Is sucking up helium bad for you?!


Is sucking up helium bad for you?

Me and my friends always do that because it changes our voice and we get tons of laughs but alot of people say its bad for you. How can it be bad for you? I think their just messing with me so tell it bad for you?

I don't know but it sure is fun.. wanna come to my onion party? We can all get squeaky voices and cry.....
what a blast..

I sure as hell hope not! ahah

yes, it can kill you....
you need oxygen, not helium...sucking helium deprives your body of oxygen. plus, it kills brain cells.

suck it all day and see what happens!!lol
ya its bad

yes it is bad for you-Carbon dioxide and Oxygen are the only gases you should be breathing in voluntarily

I don't think so. It makes your voice higher, but does no harm.

Yes it is.It can give you cancer,asapthma,and many other possibliyties such as heart attacks maybe!The more you do the wroser it gets.

Yes. It keeps your brain from processing air. You take too much and you will die. You take it regularly and you'll make youself an idiot by permantly impairing your brain functions.

it could give you lung cancer if you do it to mutch. but i do it too and i dont have cancer yet.

You're killing brain cells because of lack of oxygen to the brain.

you are cutting off oxygen to your brain, that is usually not a good thing. Since there isnt a whole lot in the balloon, it doesnt do much damage, but you can pass out if you get too much, and dont climb inside a big balloon filled with it or you will die.

To much of it becomes toxic as your lungs are meant only for oxygen

no it's an inert gas. Divers even use it as part of a mix to keep from getting bent.

No! It is inert, and therefore does not interact with your body BUT repeated uninterrupted breaths of helium does interfere with your intake of oxygen.... so... a breath of helium + laughs.... followed by some regular breaths is harmless

It can be dangerous for you, because the helium in your system actually speeds up the process of your body releasing your stores of oxygen. It is like holding your breath but worse. You prob. will not see any side effects from sucking helium from a ballon except getting light headed and passing out which would be more hazardous. Never ever suck helium directly from a pressurized bottle however because you can not controll the speed at which you do it and that can cause your lungs to burst.

Nope, just take some breaks to breath in oxygen. Oh and if you try do suck it straight from the tank it will kill you. It happens and don't do it, it will explode your lungs and you will die.

It can be if you inhale too much.

I don't think sucking up helium every once in a while is going to kill you, but replacing oxygen in your lungs can't be good for you, so why put crap in your body remember you only have one to screw up.

no, the amount that you r going to use till you are sick and tired of doing it, you are not going to be hurt...

i don't think it poses any real danger except from suffocating yourself, and for that you'd have to have a pretty big balloon. Helium is naturally present in our atmosphere, yep everyone here saying it will give you cancer and emphysema, you are sitting in your chairs inhaling helium!

It can be because it depleats the oxygen levels in your blood and can result in passing out and in rare cases death

It is fun I will tell you that, but while it's fun it can eventually get to the point where it is dangerous. Sucking up helium kills brain cells every time you do it. But this isn't the biggest problem that can occur. If you continue to do this over and over again, you run the risk of your lungs collapsing. The body's lungs needs oxygen. It helps our brains, lungs, and hearts function and move the blood throughout our bodies. While it is fun to sucking up helium, you are taking a risk. So be careful.

Only if you breathe too much of it all at once. Breathe some, then get some air. then do it over again. It's true it is funny, but it can mess up your lungs badly if you breathe too much

Your Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!

I would think that inhaling too much of any gas would be bad for you. It is just not a good idea.

i guess if you do it all the time

no...but it changes your voice


Although the vocal effect of inhaling helium may be amusing, it can be dangerous if done to excess since helium is a simple asphyxiant, thus it displaces oxygen needed for normal respiration. Death by asphyxiation will result within minutes if pure helium is breathed continuously. In mammals (with the notable exceptions of seals and many burrowing animals) the breathing reflex is triggered by excess of carbon dioxide rather than lack of oxygen, so asphyxiation by helium progresses without the victim experiencing air hunger. Inhaling helium directly from pressurized cylinders is extremely dangerous as the high flow rate can result in barotrauma, fatally rupturing lung tissue.

Yes, it kills brain cells and can kill you. It is basically called huffing and can be very dangerous if done on a regular basis. Once at a party we have all done that!


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