Do you like office birthday parties?!


Do you like office birthday parties?

Dry cake and bad punch. No thanks!

As our office grew, it got to the point where we were having weekly birthday parties. And virtually every day someone would be going around begging for donations to pay for the cake and a gift. It got old. And expensive, too. And its hard to get your work done with all that going on. The boss finally said "No more birthday parties." But not to seem to be an ogre, he gave everyone their birthday off. Everyone seemed to like that.

Only mine.

no way

Not usually, if they're just oh its so and sos birthday you can help yourself to cake and eat it in your office, then yeah but when its a whole mingling and yawn all that, no I dont like them.

No one gives a flying **** that the person in the cubicle next to you that you never see is one year older.

If it's used as forced comradery then no. There's usually a creepy feeling about it. If a few people from work go and have some drinks after work, that is much better.

I love them

Yes - we have a blast!!!

I hate them because they play different strokes for different folks...they never celebrate my birthdays.

What's not to like about free cake in the middle of the afternoon?

Just be careful about who cuts the cake. We all know that some of our co-workers don't wash their hands after using the restroom. You know who you are!!!!!!

Sure! Free food!

No, I find that a workplace is better to work in than to party in. If you like the people you work with, it is better to arrange to meet together in a bistro or somewhere you enjoy going and have a really nice celebration there. You will be more relaxed and no phones will be ringing or files to be found etc. When you are working, work. When you are playing, do that also to the best of your ability.



It's so hard to be personal at them. Sometimes you don't know the person very well, and you have to hope that you can make a near stranger enjoy themselves, and it makes the attention seemed forced and insincere. So no not very much.

Nope! First of all, I can't eat a lot of sugar, and that's all people bring. It's also boring. The last time I offered to man the phones at the office during a company-wide birthday. I got fired the next day for non-participation.

No - they always order cake from the same bakery and I hate the frosting and the disgusting raspberry filling.

Yes, as long as it's not my boss. Sort of like The Office, that is just too sad when your boss makes a huge deal out of their own birthday.

no, we used to celebrate everyones birthday in the company. Too much cake or whatever they ask for.

they are cheesy

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