What's the most disgusting thing you had to eat ?????!


What's the most disgusting thing you had to eat ?????

you could not refuse because you were a guest and you had to eat...........

matzoball soup


A popular dish in Japan called natto: rotting soybean curd that has the consistency of glue mixed with barf and that smelled like sweaty feet.

Jellied eels. Absolutely vile!


Octopus tentacles (a delicacy in some cultures.)

chocolate covered ants

I can honestly say that I've never had to eat anything that I found utterly revolting. I've been lucky, I guess. Then again, I'll also eat just about anything.

Stewed tomatoes with white bread and zuchinni.....gag....

tripe.....pig stomach..........suishi.....ra... fish..... .also sheep stomach with innards, boiled.....can't remember the name of that one. I have a lot of strange friends.

turn ups and sweet potato's yuck.

Flying fish eggs

I ate meatloaf only one time in my entire life and i gagged and got sick yuck I don't like the stuff!!

I am allergic to wheat, so I can't have bread. Knowing I was missing it, a well meaning friend made me a loaf using fava bean flour, garbonzo bean flour, and potato flour., She brought it over and I thought I was going to choke on it. She was looking at me all expectant, hoping I would be delighted. I finally had to insist that she try it, we both gagged. Not wanting the expensive loaf to go to waste, we decided to feed it to the birds. Even they wouldnt eat it! It just sat there on the ground for a couple of weeks until a good rain washed it away. It tasted like an old shoe, and the consistancy wasnt much better. I have still yet to find a decent bread!

On a vacation with a tour group in France- we were special guests in a very nice restaurant one night.

Fried Squid- like the WHOLE thing, the head and all the tentacles.

The chef came out and saw that I hadn't eaten mine and he got mad at me, so I hid it all in my napkin. I felt pretty bad but it was HORRIBLE- all ropy and tough and wiggly. ugh.

MANY people love this dish but I don't...1 time my class went 2 Helen, Georgia and on our way back, we went to this restaurant that sold only German food, luckly 4 this boy he was part German and loved it, but the other kids and I hated it. Bratwurst (however u spell it) & suarcrowt idk how to spell any of those words but I kno I didnt like it, then the sausage was so big and huge!!!!

this spicey korean cabbage dish. it's a main dish for most korean households, so i've heard, but i hated it! i ended up just having to eat a lot of rice at the same time so as not to taste it too much and still not offend my korean friend's mother (who had prepared the food). my friend just laughed at me the whole time and told me later that my face got all funny at the first bite! lol. she'll never let me off of that one! :)

chitin's.....hog intestines....they smelled .....would be like eating s..t

Had to be deep fried pig snout! uugghh..looked just like a slice off the poor pigs nose.

I couldn't refuse because I was a kid and had to eat what mom put in front of me. I had to eat cows tongue and pigs feet.

I am rich enough now to never eat what I don't want to whether I am a guest or not. If someone is serving something I don't like, I simply tell them no thanks and pass the dish along. I can live off a glass of water if I have to and wait till I get home and then eat what I want.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh life is good when you are an adult and can eat what the hell I want when I want !!!

: )

One word...horseradish! =o

Blood pudding and Vegimite

cow flesh

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