Sons 17th birthday meal (UK)?!


Sons 17th birthday meal (UK)?

Hi folks i wonder if you could make any suggestions for what i could cook my son for his special biorthday meal. He will be 17 and he loves chinese food.
I was wanting to perhaps include chicken in the meal. Any suggestions for a chinese pudding?


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3 months ago
underage drinking? I dont think so.
We are a close knit family so tend to always do a meal of sorts.

3 months ago
underage drinking? I dont think so.
We are a close knit family so tend to always do a meal of sorts.

If you pop down the the supermarket, they usually have a whole section of chinese food. You could buy lots of bits a bobs and have a proper chinese feast, with prawn crackers, spring rolls, seaweed etc. As for incoporating chicken, how about for the main course having sweet and sour chicken or chicken in black bean sauce and some rice. Really sorry but havent got any suggestions for chinese dessert! HAve fun anyway x

You know you know your son a lot better then i do
give hem 70 quid and send him off to the pub

Same as i always say. Go to ur local indian for a ruby murry.

deep fried ice-cream...yum....or is that Cantonese?

You could do some kind of stir fry

Special birthday meal? Aww bless, anyone would think he was 7, not 17!

Let him go out for a few beers with his friends!

Maybe instead of chicken you could do a roast duck with an Asian sauce.
My family did this one year for Thanksgiving (in America) because a turkey was too big for just the three of us and it went over great. You could also see if you can find someplace that does specialty fortune cookies and put a special message in his, or find a recipe and do the same yourself. Good luck, hope every thing goes smoothly!

this is one of my favorite recipes for chinese pudding, but its only good if you like coconut :P

After going to Google for an answer, Mango Pudding (popular Dim Sum) seems to be a popular answer (there).

Try going to Google, using "Chinese Desserts" as the search criteria.

For the actual meal...ask your son for a fantasy menu, stressing that you are not going to make or buy all 30 courses he is about to give you.

You might be supprised if he just wants fish & chips or some "simple" meal that he's always praised when you make it for him.

As for sending a minor to the pub (another answerer's post), I'd avoid it.

Sounds nice as long as it isn't Bernard Mattews chicken!
I think that fried banana is a Chinese speciality - doesn't sound too clever to me, but I suppose it's a good way of getting your 5 a day!
Why don't you get some fortune cookies?

I'd love to come and cook for you! What a challenge!

Try this great website.

instead of chinese, how about fajitas? you can use chicken or whatever you fancy! this can be as hot or as mild as you like.

Banana fritters!

Do a huge stir fry and place in middle of table and let everyone dig in.
Buy prawn crackers (ones you fry yourself) with lots of dips for starters, or hot n sour soup.....i have a great recipe!

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