My Boyfriend is been using me? How do I break it off?!


My Boyfriend is been using me? How do I break it off?

He is obviously using me as a show off... I'm the trophy girlfriend... stupid *****. I'm not sad... just ******* pissed off. He makes plans to see me on the weekend...and yet... he completely ditches me. What-the-****-ever. I only waited for him for an hour... then I went out and partied with my friends... I'm glad I did. Should I just call him and break it off now?

This is my first boyfriend and this so ******* sucks ***.

I'm the pretty girl that is used for looks... well, I am going to break it off before I loose my dignity.

Call him and break it off. It sounds like you know that's what you need to do. Guys like him don't change, maybe they can't change, and it sounds like you see that. Write him off as a learning experience, and look for someone who'll treat you like you deserve to be treated. Find someone who can be a friend and a partner. The rest of your life can be really long if you can't laugh with your partner.

He might try and call you and get you to forgive him/give him another chance. Don't. Just cut him off. No "let's be friends" or I'll see you around" or anything he might be able to use. Make it crystal clear that it's over. He won't want YOU back, he'll just be angry that you caught on to him and he'll want to get things back on his terms. He clearly doesn't respect you, and that's no basis for a friendship or a relationship.

You should just tell him straight up how you feel and why.

Then add a good one liner to finish him off..

If you can try to humiliate him in front of his friends.Dump him in front of his friends or in front of a crowd.As you say your a trophy girlfriend, so thats what he cares about: His Image.If you can't do that text message him to break up with him,since he is not worth your time.
Hope I helped!

he will only use you as long as you let him

Yeah break it off. . . why waste time with a loser. . .

You will be sending quite a few boyfriends packing.

Definitely break it off. During the break up, don't put on s show be cool and confident. When you see him in public be nice and speak with a smile. If you really feel like he's using you always be on your guard, because he will attempt to get you back. Being pretty and confident is awesome. Always remember you deserve better.

is he a decent lay? then just use him for sex and kick him out- i don't think you should call him your boyfriend-
he is totally playing you- learn to say NO.

Maybe he isn't the type of person who you should be hanging around. My advise to you is if you break with him now, you will feel better for you are and plus you should start seeing someone who is best for you, not just someone who wants to hang around with you and treat you like trash. I believe what you said, but I also believe this guy just cares about his own personal feelings feelings more than yours at the current time.

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