Funniest place you threw up?!


Funniest place you threw up?

I have to say this is the funniest question I've seen in this forum. I'll tell ya, it wasn't me who threw up but when I was 15 a person on top of the ferris wheel threw up and it landed on my head. The attendant wouldn't stop the darn thing. When I finally got off the ride I had to run through the amusment park with the stuff flying out of my hair. The rest room had a sink that was about two inches deep so I washed my hair in a puddle. While sneaking through the petting zoo to get to the bus stop (yeah can you believe it I took the bus) a camel spit in my face. I thought I was going to die, cried all the way home, and of course no one would sit near me. Now as I write this I can't stop laughing, well, it has been 35 years since it happened.

in my mouth

In a bar all over the pac man machine.

haha disney world... infront of about 1000 pple

On the set of Wake Up, San Francisco.

Live, on air.

on my friends parents car n i was drinking blue cruisers

outside of the restaraunt sizzler

on a schoolbus

I have 2 kids and I'm pregnant with a third. I've thrown up everywhere.

in the valet area of the golden nugget in las vegas on fremont street. i was sitting on a bell cart and puked all over myself and there were limos pulling up. ewwwwwww.

on stage the day of my graduation i didnt think it was funny tho..

I haven't thrown up anywhere funny but my prom date threw up on my was horrible then but now we look back and laugh.

In my shoe at a sucky high school reunion under the table. What a bunch of losers still.
Still crack up about it though and still have the shoes. Just a reminder not to go back to other reunions.

music class, then they covered it in wood shavings... blech

no where funny really lol

My boyfriend and I were making out on his bed (after a long party and a lot of beers) and I PUKED IN HIS MOUTH!!! He has totally forgiven me, but it was so disgusting and embarrassing!!

at my friends i told her i felt sick and im like i have to go to the bathroom and then after im like i threw up and she told her mom and dad! embaressing....

on my sisters date!!! LOL!!!!!

in my flat, i got it all on a plate, and passed it to my mate and drank more vodka

In a cab in a blizzard when I caught food poisoning at the Mayfair Hotel in downtown St. Louis on a business trip. Miserable; I have never felt so horrid. The cab driver was a prince to me. I gave him a huge tip.

in the bath tub

two places : in front of my students when teaching a class;in bed on an old girlfriend while having sex

It wasn't me, but I know someone who threw up in front of a mirror

when i was about 5 in primary school. we were having a p.e. lesson and we were all holding hands singing 'the big ship sails...'. just so happened i threw up on the 'alley alley oh *pukes*'.

One of my daughters leaned out the window of the car and threw up in the Park and Ride lane at the commuter train station. After this we called it the "Puke and Ride".

In my best friend's car.

in class during school

Years ago, I went to a Christian youth conference in Columbus, Ohio. A friend and I had eaten at Rally's a few hours earlier, and the 'food' we ate wasn't sitting well. As soon as we got to the place, we started feeling worse. I tore out of the van, the fast food bag in my hand in case I didn't make it. Well, I didn't make it, and I filled the bag. I took off running again, but I didn't make it out of the parking lot. I couldn't puke in the bag, so I turned and hurled. My technicolor yawn ended up going into a van that had left its driver's side window open. It was running down the side of the door, and I could see the chunks sitting on the driver's seat. I freaked out. I started running again, and I saw a garbage can sitting up against the building. I threw the full, moist fast food bag at the can, only to watch the bag hit the pavement a foot short and explode, sending bits o' burger and tomato everywhere! I stood there and stared, ignoring the reactions of the people walking into the building. Finally, I just walked away, my stomach finally settled. I think my friend just stepped out of the van and hurled a few times on the ground. I'm not sure because the driver's moved the van . . . thankfully.


Secondly, when I was in the second grade, the girl I had a crush on leaned over at her desk and puked into the aisle. There were a LOT of sympathy barfers in that class, as it set off a chain reaction. I don't know how many puked, but we evacuated the class room. I think I was one of the last ones to vomit.

my moms purse

i got a few

in a church at my friends wedding

on a roller coaster at bush gardens

on the tea cup ride at Disney

on my friends garden gnome

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