What should I do/where should I go for my 13th birthday?!


What should I do/where should I go for my 13th birthday?

It's in 3 weeks! I'm so stressed. What I do know is that I'm inviting 5 of my closest friends.. Do you have any suggestions?

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3 months ago
I am NOT trying to make it like a sweet 16 or anything like that.. I told you I was only inviting 5 close friends! Thanks to the people that realize I just want to have a small, fun party with my best friends.

3 months ago
I am NOT trying to make it like a sweet 16 or anything like that.. I told you I was only inviting 5 close friends! Thanks to the people that realize I just want to have a small, fun party with my best friends.

My son just had his 13th birthday party a couple of weeks ago. he was really stressed too! I can understand tyou want to impress your friends and have fun too.
I said Id do him a party at home. We had a sit down meal round the table, very grown up. It was a pasta party. i cooked pasta twists and made to sauces, a mince bolognaise one, and a puttenesca, one. also garlic bread.
then for dessert we had choc fondue. I put bowls with malteasers, marshmallows, pieces of cake round the table and also two platters of fruit. things like cherries, strawberries grapes pineapple. they had a pot of sauce each and dipped in it! Delicious! To drink we had a blockbuster! It is equal parts of ornage juice, pineapple juice, lemonade, and a dash of grenadine! They also loved that. & of his 9 guests were girls and they all liked it a lot.
after the meal they watched a horror movie!
We made it fun by buying those flashing cocktail glasses, i got them on ebay actually. they flash different colours, also got then a glow in the dark necklace each too.they took the glasses and necklaces home afterwards. i was told afterwards it was THE BEST party out of all the ones they had had!

there are many other things you could do...A pizza making party? Provide margurita pizzas each and have bowls of toppings, then everyone can make what thye like. then cook and eat!

Or if you are going out one of the best we ever did was simply going to a chinese restaurant. but maybe that was because several of the guests had to learn to use chopsticks and my dad refused to allow them to use cutlery!
I hope you have a wonderful party! Ignore all the silly answers you have got and Im sure you will find something good!
Good luck!

Go bowling!

You should invite your friends to a smashing your computer party, because if you're on Yahoo Answers before you're even 13, you are going to grow up into a huge social problem before long. Trust me.

roller skating, bowling, all ages pool hall, arcade, build a bear, volunteer somewhere, laser tag, Frisbee golf, visit a state park do a little hike, and have a picnic, bike ride, mini golf, hmmmm...there are many more. What do you like to do?? it should be fun, try not to stress. Ask a friend to plan it for you...surprise you or something. Have fun!

For my tirteenth birthday (ON JUNE 11) since I am turning into a teenager, me and my friends are going to go to the mall by ourselves. At the end of the day, we are going to have our last moments as kids and go to Chuck -E-Cheese!!!

If u live in the upper east go to Atlantic City and spend a night In a fancy hotel. If not just go movies and dinner.

Why are you stressed over a 13th b0day party like its your sweet 16, or your 21st or 25th birthday or many more that are important. Your just 13 you can't go to the club, buy smokes, buy drinks so sh*t its lame. How about you throw a party have your friends sneak in beer get wasted and let some guy feel you up. That way you will feel all grown up at 13

Okay I turned 13 and 16 imaging how stressing that was!!!I went paint ball gunning it was sooo cool.I lovede it so did my friends,every one still talks about it and it has been 4 years and they are still talkiung about it.You might come home with a couple of bruises but it is soooo worth it!!!

go to a resturant that cook infront of you like bennihanas

umm.........stay at home and play spin the bottle....etc

get some beer and weed and party

you should have a sleep over and maybe go to Disneyland, Knotts, Universal Studios, or go see a movie

I'm actually going to a 13th birthday party tomorrow, we're going to an ice-skating rink, the park, and the birthday girl's house.I can't wait.
Once, at a 12th birthday party, we went to Chuck E. Cheese's (good pizza), a craft store, and the mall.
I would say you should do something that provides your guests a place to eat (pizza, ice cream, or a cool eatery nearby) a place to have fun (skating rink, mall, park, bowling, the mall, the movies, someplace you and your friends love, etc) and some time at your place to chill out and gossip and open presents and eat cake.
That should do it.
Have fun and have a great [early!] birthday!

If it's nice out do a swimming party. you can have a build a bear party or go to libby lou. if those are not available rent a party room @ a hotel !! have alot of games & stuff. thats what i did!!
hope you havw a good b-day!!
HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, I've just turned 13 like 3 months ago. Just don't sweat it just be calm and everything will be fine. At my party we watched lots of movies it was great! But anyway back to the point. If your looking for great party savouries try something laid back and casual like pizza or maybe do what I did and have a barbeque. Have the appetizers like chips and dip maybe even some candy! And if you are going to watch movies make sure you always have snacks :D Hope you have fun on your birthday and Happy Birthday when it comes :)

listen hun. your only thirteen. what the hell are you doing on yahoo answers. there are actually important people with important questions on this site. stop asking stupid questions because your gonna piss everyone off. and it is annoying everyone. so my advice...stop lying...your gonna end up at home doing nothing. have a good party ! :)

well im 13 but i would just tell u to go to the movies,mall and have a sleep over party...some people on here are just mean, jealous, stuck up and grouchy...

Invite the girls over for pizza, do each other's mani/pedi's, then dessert, then have your mom or dad drive you to toilet paper a cute boy's house. That's what I did when I was 13 & it was the best!

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