Husband's 40th Birthday Party Question???!


Husband's 40th Birthday Party Question???

My husband is turning 40 in a few months and he says he does not want a b-day party. I know it would be fun if I went ahead with it & made it a surpise, but should I waste my time if he is saying he doesn't want one?

If he is adament that he does not want a birthday party don't do it. There are many other surprises that you can do for him. For example take him to Vegas for the weekend. Or if he has a favorite sport take him to a sporting event for the weekend. If you think that he is just saying that throw him a smaller party at his favorite restaurant or bar.

Yes, your man is turning 40. I would give him A huge PARTY.

You should definately go ahead with it. Just because he says he doesnt want a party is no reason not to party. He simply is saying he doesn't have to have a party. You will both have a great time and I am sure he will be apprciative. Am I invited?

it depends. you know him best so if he is really dreading it, maybe you could make it like a happy 39 again party. otherwise why not.

I think you should listen to him. Men go through some sort of midlife crisis around the age of 40 and it might be best for you to have a private but very nice party for him at home.

People always think others would like a birthday party. I went through that last year when I turned 40. I got a surprise b-day party, even when I specifically requested the best thing they could do for me was to leave it alone and just tell me happy b-day. There comes a time in a man's life when there is no logical thinking behind a b-day party, especially a surprise. I was furious at them for doing that and refused to go for a long time. I'm just speaking for myself, but some people just want their wishes to be respected, and I think that shows a lack of respect for his wish. the sort of person who has told my partner .no surprise partys for any reason.and yes i mean it .i would be horrified to have someone throw me a party i dont want...u know ur husband.does he hate parties?if he does.dont do it.take him away somewhere he likes instead.have a romantic getaway.i know i would prefer that

Forget the party. He's turning 40 and feeling like the ol' clock is starting to wind down. WIND HIM BACK UP! He doesn't want a party. GIVE HIM A BJ!!! That will put the spring back into his step for sure.

invite some family and friends. keep it small, have a taco bar. some music. that way it doesn't seem too much of a hoop-la.

Turning 40 is a big deal and who knows maybe he really wants a b-day party but does not want you to go through all the work???
Do something he likes to do have a Poker Party and invite all of his friends, cook his favorite dinner or take him out do what ever he likes best because its day!!!!!

~good luck

how many times have yousaid you don't want anything for your birthday just to be polite?

I would listen to him....put the money you would have spent on a party towards something he's really be wanting~that he hasnt been able to justify purchasing for himself. Have a small get together for a cake and some snacks with close family at the house to acknowledge his big day while still adhering to his wishes.

DO IT!!! You aren't wasting his time-he will love it!!

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