Need Help on Party Ideas?!


Need Help on Party Ideas?

Okay, my friend is turning 17 and we've decided to throw a party for her.

Now i'll tell you right off the bat that these friends of mine all have different tastes and interests.

I've looked through a lot of ideas about what to do for the party but none of them really suit our situation right now.

We're throwing her a party at another friend's house, BUT she already knows about it so it's not a surprise party. The friend who's house we're using is small and there's nothing to do there.

Most don't drink, don't like loud music, don't have decent movies to watch (we could always rent but then we'd disagree on what to watch and end up not renting), and we've settled (lamely) for monopoly as entertainment the entire night, AND they don't want to go anywhere
Now no offense to any of my friends but i can seriously say this party isn't going to go great without some help. We need ideas to help make this a good party. We have no budget so bringing in performers is out.

Help plz.

Additional Details

3 months ago
we've tried bowling, they didn't like it.
food is a no-no since they all want different things.
How is that i have SUCH difficult friends? I like the movie idea though, just do it and leave them no choice to bicker about everything

3 months ago
we've tried bowling, they didn't like it.
food is a no-no since they all want different things and they've got their mind set on what they want already so that at least is solved
How is that i have SUCH difficult friends? I like the movie idea though, just do it and leave them no choice to bicker about everything

3 months ago
don't really need any food ideas, thanks ^^
and it's just teenagers, no family members are attending, a get together of teenagers.
it's a mix of girls and guys if that helps.

3 months ago
we all know each other.
LOL, tara nice suggestion ^^ (find new friends)
The party is being held from 3pm til late at night most likely.
Our truth or dare games never get far. we have liars, cheaters, whatever you name it. so unless we come up with a solution for that, haha.

3 months ago
we've tried bowling, they didn't like it.
food is a no-no since they all want different things.
How is that i have SUCH difficult friends? I like the movie idea though, just do it and leave them no choice to bicker about everything

3 months ago
we've tried bowling, they didn't like it.
food is a no-no since they all want different things and they've got their mind set on what they want already so that at least is solved
How is that i have SUCH difficult friends? I like the movie idea though, just do it and leave them no choice to bicker about everything

3 months ago
don't really need any food ideas, thanks ^^
and it's just teenagers, no family members are attending, a get together of teenagers.
it's a mix of girls and guys if that helps.

3 months ago
we all know each other.
LOL, tara nice suggestion ^^ (find new friends)
The party is being held from 3pm til late at night most likely.
Our truth or dare games never get far. we have liars, cheaters, whatever you name it. so unless we come up with a solution for that, haha.

My first suggestion is to find new friends : )

Okay, I will try to really help now. Don't ask for many more ideas. Plan your party the way you like. For games I would suggest something more interactive or team oriented. Try pictionary or Scattergories. If you do pictionary it can be free! I can help you with this if you like. You may like to consider having a casino night though. You can have a whole theme with this. Everyone likes finger foods, you have to like food, especially if there is going to be any alcohol there. Although, since the guest of honor is underage I will assume there is none : ) Poker and blackjack with chips is fun. Make sure you go online and find some cool poker games. Try the cross, queens that follow, and acey ducey (sp.). They are very interactive and fun. Plus all you have to invest in is a whole bunch of chips. And you can serve pizza and wings with this.

I say bowling party. Its cheap, fun, there is always a jutebox nearby for the different music tastes, and there should be one not that far away. I have had a few and everyone was a good time.

(a few beers could liven up the party a little)

well what do your friends like doing?

You could try buying a whole bunch of pop assortment, and buy chips and make some veggie & dip platters and other h'orderves.

You could also buy some alcohol for those that drink, or make a punch.

rent a comedy movie, and most people will like that. Don't bother asking what they want to watch because you will get disagreement. Try getting two movies, then vote at the party which one they want to see the most.

punch made to this recipe, in a med cooler mix, 2 bags ice 1/2 gal orange juice, 1/2 gal pineapple juice, 1/2 gal grapefruit juice and one bottle ever-clear then strip monopoly

Go to a sporting Event and get a block of tickets. Tell them it is for a birthday party and I'm sure you will get a discount. Try a minor league baseball game or a major league team (depending on where you live) . This way there is something to do for everyone and you can get food stamps or cards to give out to everyone so they can get their own food. Some teams give out free tickets if you dont have the cash so always ask!!

I would suggest a party game called "Are you coming to the party?" Email me and I will explain the game in detail. Now, at seventeen I would also suggest a type of truth or dare game. People always have something to say so make a worksheet with questions and at different times of of the party just read the question and a reply from the the worksheet without revealing the authors name. Request that they don't put a name on the sheet. Be sure to give a small gift to the person who allowed their home to be used as party central. They are extremely proud of their space and that's why they They allowed you to use their home so make a big whoop about it. They really wanted praise for it , so give it to them. You may want to give all the main persons that came to the party a gift like lipstick case, costume jewelry, gag gifts, a small vibrator, or other sexual toy if it's all girls, etc. Make the party fun. This is the time you can get away with giving some really naughty gifts. Depending on what type of person the guest of honor is. If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Make a birthday cake that say's Happy 17th birthday and put ther name on it and have some soda and some snack's and some party favor's to give out to there friends and family

Does everyone know each other, maybe an ice breaker game. Also, Bingo for Dollar store prizes is always cool... A good party does need some kind of food. I am a chef, I would suggest maybe some small appetizers that way people might try new things. Need any recipes? let me know

Ok, here are a couple. Why don't you put different items in each bag and seal it shut ( like a feather boa, a crown, a tie, curlers, colored socks, etc). If you are having 7 people, make up 7 bags filled with same amount for each bag, but different things. As each person arrives, they choose or get a bag, cannot open it until everyone arrives then they open it and each person must create a character based on what is in the bag, not say anything to anyone who it is, and everyone has to guess that person ( say, a famous person, or a celebrity,etc). The person who guesses the most wins. Of course, this charade goes throughout the entire time of the party, and each person must act like that person during the party, giving clues, etc.
Another idea is to have someone who is good at photography take photos in black and white and set it up as an old fashioned picture parlor, and rent some costumes for the guys and girls to dress up in.
What do you think?

ok so your friends are the lamest group of teens that i have ever heard of. maybe you need to take the reins and plan a fun night for your friend who is the b-day girl, it is HER b day after all, make food she likes, rent movies she likes you get the point. tell your lame *** friends to suck it up for the bday girls sake. rent movies that you can play a game with like the rocky horror picture show, you will need a bag of stuff like toast and water guns.

Rent a boat and cruise out into the sea. U can self pack food, fishing, play cards,etc. Depends on what your friends prefer. Just ask them to bring their own stuff. Hope that help.

I don't like the suggestions for alcohol, considering you guys are still teens, it's illegal, and something bad can happen from drinking. To have a good party you'll have to have some good food, do a potluck, everyone bring something they like, and everyone else can try it. Tag a theme on to it, and go from there. It isn't a party if all you guys do is play monopoly and watch movies, that's just a get together.

OK You High Rollers

It looks like monopoly is going to be the game...
You need to bring in more excitement into the game...

Make extra money and start everyone with twice as much Money as normal so you can keep this going for a while..

Now to spice it up a bit. Let there be rotating chairs... can do this with a roll of the dice...every 10 mins.... the highest roll gets to change seats with whomever.... they can't count money or property.. only 30 secs to decide or the game continues with no change of seats...

Time the game and who ever has the most money and property at the end of an hour wins...
start a new game... will be no hard feelings on this one and the looser has a chance of winning...

SEW do you think it might be fun to put in a variance???

it is people that actually know each other i assume right??? i love the potluck idea...
maybe try a game night? have everybody bring a game?
is the party in the daytime or at night.... maybe try a scavenger hunt if the party is in the daytime.. dont do at night.. that might be unsafe depending on your area....if you can do a scavenger hunt try pairing the people up who dont know each other as well as other.... maybe a god old game of truth or dare?
hope i helped a little... good luck!

how about a casino theme, you can make most of what you would need or find it at the dollar store, play different card games and dice games, go to the library and check out a few books so that you have the rules on hand to settle any disagreement about how a game should be played,

Have a good selection of music videos, it doesn't have to be loud to dance! Hang some mistletoe. Get everyone to chip in and rent a dunk tank. Do indoors or out, rock climbing, golf range, swimming. Have a mystery night etc.etc. use your imagination. Have fun!

rainbow party or key party rainbow party all the girls wear a different color lipstick and then give guys blowjobs then at the end of the night the guys compare and u can see a rainbow of lipstick colors on their dick or a key party works if u have alot of couples all the guys with girlfriends put their keys in a bowl mix it up and the girls pick out a set if keys and thats the guy they gotta be with that night

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