Ever hear of anyone who is afraid of marshmallow PEEPS?!


Ever hear of anyone who is afraid of marshmallow PEEPS?

My buddy is deathly afraid of them to the point that he runs away from one when he sees it. It's the funniest thing in the world to see a 40 something old man running away in fear of marshmallow products.

Hi Hon,

Peeeeep Peeep Ppppppeeeeeep! Ok, that was a peep attack. Although it is too funny, Don't torture him too much.

thos r tasty

heheheheehe you should put them everywhere lol

I can see where it's funny, but can't help but wonder what traumatized him where Peeps are concerned. Have you asked him what brought on his fear of Peeps?

Be a buddy and don't take advantage of his fears.

ME!!! those yellow and pink things are just downright scary, perhaps your friend was chased by his sister and brother like me during Easter with peeps, tghey put them in my ears

I saw the same thing on Maury Povich,this idiot was deathly afraid of peaches! this guy was like 6ft 250 lbs and would cry and run off every time they showed peaches on the moniters. it was the funniest thing i ever saw. Hilarious.

Well I'm the same with pasta. Seriously.
But marshmallows? Nah that's just weird.

I've heard of people who don't like them or who think they're disgusting but not anyone who is really scared of them. That's really funny and I must say it's got to be really embaressing for your friend as well.

I have hear of this your friend is not alone.

yes i just heard it from you. i love peepz. and only God should be feared, in a sence of reverence, love & respect, not scary.

They taste so ******* awesome though. You should get him on Maury where they have people with whacky phobias. They've had people with phobias of pickles, mustard, whistling, etc. Some really weird stuff.

When he goes to the bathroom start shoving them one at a time under the door while talking in a donald duck voice, "were coming for you quack"

if he falls asleep, put a whole bunch of peeps around him and on his shoulders so when he wakes up he is surrounded lol! jk!

I have never known someone that is afraid of peeps. They are soooo cute and they are edible. And my favorite ones are the blue easter ones....

OMG!!! thats hillarious!!!

U try and play a prank on him!!! FUNNY!

That's actually a psychological condition, although I'm not sure there's a name for it yet. Be a good buddy and don't take advantage or make fun of him. You can suggest that your friend goes to therapy for his fear. It will help!! Really...

I heard that the DJ on the morning show of our local radio station has a peep phobia. I actually heard it this morning.

that's...unusual? anyway, i heard it can be trauma from either childhood or a past life (if you believe in that sort of stuff)

they are discusting, i can't believe people actually eat them. My sister buys them every year and puts them in baskets ever frikn year. we all have told her they are nasty. she wont listen.

Actually, yes. My friends son is afraid of peeps. Why? She thought she could roast them like regular marshmallows to make s'mores. Peeps don't roast, they explode. Scary!!

Those things are creepy! shudder

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