Red wine! is it bad for you? i drink a bottle a night and i love it!?!


Red wine! is it bad for you? i drink a bottle a night and i love it!?

You are my hero

Watch your nose start swelling and pitting! Pretty ugly sight.

I think you know the answer. While a glass or two a night is okay, and even healthy. A bottle a night means ulcers, a bad liver and other typical alcoholic problems.

Pace yourself a bit!

A bottle a night is probably too much. But red wine is good and Chilian red is supposedly better for you than most.

One glass is good for you, anymore is bad for you. Drink moderately.

It cant harm you unless you get smashed over the back of the head by a bottle of it.

Drink away!!!

No enjoy your life mate.

Its good for IN MODERATION!!! LOL!
I.E. a glass a day

too much is bad for you,red wine is good for the heart,blood.

red wine is good for you in moderation

If your drinking a bottle of wine every night , then you have a problem , you might not think it′s a lot but your liver will tell you sooner or later . You still have time to ask your doctor for some advice , Make sure you take it , speaking from experience drink is no mans best friend . Almost killed me & it started just with one glass then one bottle , then anything will do

Having a glass or 2 is OK, but not a bottle that is too much.

One word of advice - MODERATION !

Yes its supposed to be good for you...a glass a day though not a bottle!

a bottle is definitely too much!!!
a glass a night is ok, but you do yourself bad with this amount of alcohol every day. try to stop, mate, you're ruining your health.

Shockingly bad for you...much better to share.......I'll bring me own glass....

That's way past moderation but as for me personally I would die if I drank thank much. My body can not have any form of pure alcohol. I even have to be careful with it used in sauces and on top of items.

i love it too...its SO yummy...escpecially on a cold night. but i only have a bottle when i am not working the next day...that way i pace myself and am within the safe boundaries of drinking...well - my doctor said it was ok when i went for a health check. so i have one on a tuesday night & the other on a friday..that does me for the week. it is supposed to be good for the heart..although not in excess.

hey they say a little of what you fancy dose you good!

It's time to check yourself into some AA meetings.

Red wine is very good for you but it seems like a bottle of any kind of wine every night is a bit much? Seems like a glass or 2 would be enough? I know it is great for a man to have 2-3 glasses and a women to have 1-2 glasses . Good for the heart...

na na enjoy drinkin urself 2 ur death-bed

and try stickin it up ur a s s

Like everything else - a poison is too much of anything. That includes red wine.

It's definately beneficial but a bottle a night has dangers to your liver which will outweigh the anti-oxident properties.

You may love it now but please don't store up trouble for the future. It's simply not worth it.

WINE IS BAD PERIOD!!!!!!!!! You should NEVER drink wine every night you could get sick!!

I've scrolled down a few of the previous answers! Whew, nanny is really taking over & lots of poor saps are falling for it. They'll probably bore themselves to death anyway.

I don't think a bottle of wine a day is any problem. Sounds about right to me; reduces stress!

The Ancient Greeks gave the best advice - "Nothing in Excess".
Red wine has positive health benefits in small doses, but a bottle a night is probably not great for your liver.

Sorry to say but a bottle a night is well and truly on the way to severe dependency.
Red wine is good for you but in moderation - i think a glass per day is the limit. Good for the heart, blood circulation and skin.

Ps make sure you brush your teeth really well afterl as this is one of the worst things in permanently staining your teeth.

I fear you're at the start of the not-so-long slippery road downwards ! ! !

Just one bottle? Really? Huh!? Were they out of boxes?

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