What are some party venue ideas?!
What are some party venue ideas?
My 21st Birthday is coming up and my guest list is up to about 65 people. I have a couple people that would let me use their house (large house), but I don't wanna run the risk of trashing the place and feeling bad later. Any other ideas? I need a place that's large, and dance-friendly with LOUD music. Preferably something that won't cost too much money.
Any of your friends or their parents belong to the MOOSE or the Am Legion ? Those are good potentials. Then some motels such as Ramadas and Holiday Inns have banquent/conference rooms they lease out for not much money. Check out the possibility of using the pool area also.
SEW - good luck as there are lots of places
Knights of Columbus Hall. They rent out cheap. And, if you have alcohol, it`s really o.k. they don't mind.
have it out side, you can use a framers Field that way you can have a bon fire and get loud and crazy as you want