Rachael ray $40 a day?!


Rachael ray $40 a day?

Does anyone else out there think she is a little to cheap with her tipping? How about ordering water with a meal? To me, it just screams CHEAPSKATE!!!! Just wondering if anyone else feels the same. It's almost like she has the attitude of: take me in the kitchen, show MY show the recipes and maybe I will leave your serve $ 1.34 for a tip!!

god i am glad i'm not the only one that was extremely annoyed by this woman's audacity to tip that poorly. i mean, HOW much money does she make? those poor waiters and waitresses. first they have to listen to her then they don't even get reimbursed for the torture.

Amen Sista!

She sucks but Oprah sucks more, then there is Dr. Phil who sucks even more then there is Montel who is all about Silvia Browne then there is Jerry Springer whom we don't need words for.

PS - Tyra is stupid as it comes too.

YES!!!!! I trip out on how cheap she is, I don't have much money but I am a very good tipper, because I was a cocktail waitress many years ago so I know how cheap some people can be.

They go back and tip more. And the crew eats too at these places. For the sake of the thrifty traveler she's helping (the viewer) she acts like she's on a budget. She takes you back in the kitchen to try to get you to go to those places if you choose to visit that locale. Trust me, those restaurants want her in their kitchens. I believe $40 a day is actually shot over the course of a few days to be honest.

I've been reading over some of these responses and I just have to say...if you want serious money, get a better job. Don't try to get receptionist money if you're a waitress. 10% is the expected tip. That's why you try to upsell when dealing with your diners. You don't try to change the standard to 20% so you make out regardless. The standard is set that way to prompt servers to actually do some work. The nicer you are and the more you sell, the bigger your tip can be. If you want money, do the work.

Agreed. I tip when I have been served well.

If you wanna be cheap, turn off a light and turn the thermostat down. Don't make your server eat Alpo!


your right i just noticed that, I think she's giving them like 5 or 10% it should be 20% tip.. Also Rachel Ray is very annoying I hate it when she speaks the way she move her mouth. I just watch the show for traveling purposes.. It is helpful

Perhaps but businesses want people like Rachael Ray to be there! It increases buzz, and attracts more customers who which attracts more businesses, who in turn would tip the servers better money!

cheap cheap cheap says the little baby chick. and seriously she spends $40 a day for eating out? wtflip, isn't she suppose to be a cook? i mean come on....i don't even have $40 a day to spend...i mean it's okay to go out once or twice a week...Rachel Ray, WOMAN COOK AT HOME YOU LAZY!!

whose rachael ray?

I can't stand watching or hearing her for a second.

I'm sure the restaurants are thrilled to be getting free television publicity, plus excellent reviews from such a popular show. If she came into my restaurant and not only paid for a meal, tipped, and said the food and atmosphere was great, I'd tell her to come back anytime! Plus, what's wrong with ordering water with dinner? Why pay $2.00 for a soda when it's not only bad for you to drink soda, but also way too expensive in restaurants?

I order water all the time--it's healthier than soda. She's careful with her money, because she works hard for it. With tipping, there are no guarantees. That's why it's a tip.

BTW, I waitressed for several years and gave great service. People don't have to give 20%. Some people just don't tip. Some people tip a lot.

Yes, her meals are planned to add up to exactly $40. Sometime she will get her boyfriend to buy her something, or worse, accept a free drink from a random guy. She also usually orders half meals, or cheaper dishes like meatless pastas.

I agree with you, she's a cheapskate with her tipping. If you don't want to tip then go to a fast food place!

It also bothers me when she stays at a hotel that gives her "free" breakfast and afternoon tea. Its not "free" when you're paying for the room. Not to mention she does activities that cost so much more. When I think of trying to vacation on 40 bucks a day, I'd want to include more than 3 meals. What about her helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon?

I would say that yes i agree Rachael ray is not one of my most favorite people. Cheapskate that's nothing major rip off. She is not very original what I could leave a $1.34 tip it could go into my gas or for something more important.

Yes, she is cheap!

I think you forget what the show is about. Rachel is trying to show the traveler on a budget how they can eat well reasonably. I am sure that normally she tips well. For purposes of the show she is tipping the minimal expected.

As for touring the kitchen and seeing how things are made - she is giving these restaurants GREAT "free" publicity. They don't HAVE to allow her to film their place, but I can bet they would pay her to do so. If I owned a restaurant and they wanted to use it for one of the shows I'd be honored.

As for her eating out all the time - get real, she cooks all the time at home. It is a show...one designed to educate people as to what is available for a moderate cost across the country.

I appreciate knowing places worth visiting when traveling. I am always on a budget and like finding places that show me the true flavor of the area.

Hence the name of the show $40 A Day. So food travel shows that do not even show what the cost of the food or tip is... do you think the meal is free and they did not leave a tip?

I like the fact that she shows the restaurant and the food and portion sizes you can get when traveling on a budget. Which again I believe is the purpose of the show.

Is she cheap? Probably not near as cheap as I am when I travel.

Rachael Ray. You either like her or you don't. Doubt she is going to lose any sleep over it.

Do you honestly think that is all that the waiter or waitress gets? I am sure food network hooks them up.

She's totally annoying! And cheap. You are 100% correct.

Well, you could be right...

grrrrrrr & ummmmm
I order water with my meal as... being brought up in an orphanage it was thought ... way back then... that one should use their natural mouth juices to help process the food NOT wash it down. This has carried over into adult hood for me. Now, I may have coffee with my dessert... but in no way am I a CHEAPASKATE = when it comes to tipping the waitress.

As one who eats out regularly... the waitresses scurry to my table... but then in one of my past lives *I was a waitress* also.

And I don't care for Rachael Ray... she sure don't make my day...

SEW = what does water have to do with anything???

Hi. I have actually met Rachel Ray, and she isn't that nice either. She is very matter of fact and she give the impression that she is bothered by people. It is really bizarre. She should tip more but can't with her budget and the places she eats. Is she even doing 15% for a tip? If I hadn't met her before I would think maybe she slips a little extra on the table later, but after meeting her I dont think so.

It's just a show and it gives tips on how to stretch your dollar. I highly doubt she is a cheapskate.

We were just discussing this at my office. We think her tipping stinks! I think it is fine to order water but you shouldn't hold that against your server when figuring out the tip. The way I see it is I don't want to work as a food server or a busy boy so if someone is willing to do that so I don't have to, they deserve a big tip, regardless of whether I spend $5 or $50.

Forty dollars is not a lot of money to have the types of meals that she eats as it pertains to the show. She sacrifices tips for the sake of showing the viewers that it can be done. She probably runs out of the restaurant before the waitress/waiter realizes that they provided smiling service for a meager tip.

The show is called $4O a day. Its just showing you that you can go to some fancy city and eat that cheap.
Ya, 20% is customary, but on 10% is the norm.
And trust me, when the cameras are off, the restaurant is happy as hell because all the business they will get!

i agree---she's a bad tipper
if you can't afford a decent tip you shouldn't go to a restaurant

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