How to throw a great party?!


How to throw a great party?

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1. Make an invite list and stick to it. don't let everyone in because it could turn really bad. maybe you can get a friend or someone to act as a doorman.

2. Provide plenty of drinks! but keep in mind that not everyone drinks alchohol so have some non-alchoholic drinks too

3. Have some nibblies, but don't make it food-centred

4. Throw the party in an interesting area like outdoors if you have enough room

5. Have good music

6. Warn your neighbours beforehand that there wil be music

7. Have fun!

hand out fliers

have plenty of drinks

have good music

have plent of girls

1. Invite people who you know get along together or those who you think would get along. DON'T invite two people who are feuding even if they are both your friends. Also, don't invite one person and then their ex, even if they are both your friends.

2. If you are of age, make sure you at least have beer, wine, vodka, whiskey, and the appropriate mixers (tonic water, OJ, soda, etc.) If you're underage, then soda, juice, and/or "virgin" drink mixes.

3. Lots of finger foods/snacks that won't drip all over people and stain their clothes. No one likes to have the munchies at a party and have nothing to munch on, and no one likes to run around with a stain on their shirt while they're socializing.

4. Have music, but not so loud that people can't talk if they want to or that your neighbors get angry.

5. If there is drinking, make sure you either supply a place for the drunks to sleep it off, or have the taxi company on speed dial.

1, music
2, music (gota have great music)
3, drinks
4, drugs (depends on what type of party it is)
5, ppl
dnt invite your mother as you will not be able to enjoy your self as much worrying if she is going to disapprove of you and your Friends for the way your behaving!!

Well it all depends on what kind of party. Hot food-cold food-inside-outside there are many variables. I'll try to help a bit.
1. How many people you are feeding
2. Decorations- Birthday-Anniversary-whatever fits
3. Decide what your are going to serve to drink
4. Invite people who haven't met or don't see each other often
5. You may want activities like games
6. Keep it simple - you don't want to spend the whole time in the kitchen
7. Have help

Every party can be fun and successful if you plan ahead and relax and enjoy yourself. Good luck,

1 Perpare food in advance - bbq food, cold buffet, nibbles

2 Organise some drinks / ice / glasses in advance

3 Organise some place for rubbish in advance - glass bottles, paper plates etc

4 Sort out entertainment in advance - music, caraoke if thats your thing, sumo wrestling, vodka jelly forfeits...

5 Make sure you have plenty of toilet roll!

6 Because you did everything in advance - enjoy your own party!

When i say 'in advance' i mean the day before at least, on the day relax and give yourself a pedicure or something!

tell everyone to come naked

1. Be a good host/hostess... no person stands alone at your party

2. Have great food and drinks = always a specialty drink like frozen raspberry margaritas that you can make in advance.

3. Have something for them to do.. dance / play cards / some casino games.../ monopoly... not e-1 needs to play but have it available...

Have Fun


1 know your guests, that means if everone drinks beer, have some wine and a lot of beer. with liqure, if you can not afford the good stuff, then do not buy it, but my Grandma trick, she would switch bottles, it is funny to watch people talk about there rum and coke, and how much better it is becasue it is the good stuff, and you know differnety. I do not do this, my freinds do not drink the hard stuff, just me, but it has worked at other people house, it saves big cash

2 food, always stuff the everyone will eat, and something differnt, nothing that smell really bad, drives the wife crazy. like one year we had clams, some people ate them, others did not, but it was fun, one year I smoked 9lbs of ribs, came out really good, but I also make hamburgers and hotdogs and normal stuff

3 be nice to everyone, and not uptight, think about it, when you go to someones house you are there for fun, so when they come to your make sure they are there for fun, and you can have some too

4 do not let anyone drive home drunk, nothing spoils a party more then that, have wifes or fill up 1 car with people cabs anything, no drunk drivers

so what I am saying is you do not need to go crazy, just make things comptable

Oh yea with music I use 1 of the stations on my cable TV, this way if anyone is complaing it is not my fault, a Xm would be better

1) Sex
2) Drugs
3) Rock and Roll

Invite nice people
Serve good food either a finger buffet or a curry/chilli
Play good music
Do not get drunk untill your guests have settled in and the food has been served.

The main thing is good organisation,
1) Book venue
2)send out invites
3)organise catering
4)organise disco / DJ
5)buy balloons, streamers, decorations for venue
6)ensure replies are received from all guests.
7)Decide on your outfit
8)organise bar/drinks

1. Get someone to organise it for you!!

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