I need a poem/game to give my centerpieces away!?!


I need a poem/game to give my centerpieces away!?

I am hosting a baby shower and i am having these really cute center piceces I want to give them away but i am only going to have 5 tables which means i can only give the center pieces to 1 person at each table. I need a cute poem or game we can play so that who ever wins gets to take it home!

Here's a great "pass the present" game - should be a laugh riot as people try to listen for the "lefts" and "rights" and pass the present to each other:

Have guests sit in a circle and hand one of the guests your centerpiece. Don't let her open it yet. Begin telling the following story (each time you say the word LEFT they have to pass it to the person on their left. Each time you say RIGHT pass it to the right.) The guest left holding the gift at the end of the story is the winner!
Mrs. Right was on her way to a baby shower. She accidentally took a Right instead of a Left and got lost. Mrs. Right Left her house at 12:45 and arrived Right on time at 1:00. But Mrs. Right Left her gift at home! She was not in her Right mind today. Mrs. Right left the shower and went back home. The gift was on the table, Right where she had Left it! Mrs. Right Left her house and went Right back to the shower. When she arrived there wasn't any food Left! Mrs. Right was so hungry that she Left the shower, got Right back into her car and drove to the Right Left Right Doo-Wop Diner! Mrs. Right ordered the Sunday Special and ate it Right up until there was nothing Left!

(Here's a longer one that would also be chaotic and fun and maybe better because it would last longer and everyone would get to pass the gift more.)
Mr. WRIGHT prepared to take Mrs. WRIGHT RIGHT to the hospital as she just went into labor. As he LEFT in the car, he turned RIGHT out of the driveway. He had to go RIGHT back home because he LEFT Mrs. WRIGHT at home. They both got in the car on the LEFT side as the RIGHT side door wouldn't open. Mr. and Mrs. WRIGHT again LEFT for the hospital, turning RIGHT out of the driveway. An argument occurred about the RIGHT turn, as Mrs. WRIGHT said that Mr. WRIGHT should have turned LEFT. Mr. WRIGHT kept insisting that he was absolutely RIGHT, but Mrs. WRIGHT kept insisting that the hospital entrance was on the LEFT. Two blocks away after another LEFT turn they discovered they had LEFT Mrs. WRIGHT’s over night bag at home. So they made a LEFT turn, then a RIGHT to go back home to where they had LEFT the bag. As they turned RIGHT on to their street, Mrs. WRIGHT said "Let's just go RIGHT to the hospital and send someone else RIGHT to the house for the fact that we LEFT the bag on the couch". They went LEFT at the next block and turned RIGHT back around. Finally at the hospital Mr. WRIGHT pulled up to the front where he LEFT his wife to go RIGHT in. Inside the hospital they wheeled Mrs. WRIGHT away. “Where is my wife? I only LEFT her for a minute!” Exclaimed Mr. WRIGHT. A nurse rushed him RIGHT down the hall, they made a LEFT turn, then a RIGHT, and a LEFT turn again. Mr. WRIGHT found Mrs. WRIGHT already in delivery. But he then realized that he had LEFT the video camera in the car. RIGHT away he ran out of the room and back to the car. Not only had he LEFT the camera but he had LEFT the lights on too. Mr. WRIGHT wasted no time; he ran RIGHT back to his wife’s room. As Mr. WRIGHT walked in all he heard was screams from his wife because he had LEFT her room and was nowhere in sight. I’m sure you can guess what happened next. As Mrs. WRIGHT had the baby Mr. WRIGHT passed out on the floor. But when he came to he got a shock once more. For there he saw Mrs. WRIGHT embracing their new little bundles of joy. With two babies on her LEFT and one on the RIGHT, Mrs. WRIGHT turned to her husband and said “there is one thing LEFT to do, I think we should name these WRIGHT babies, how about you?

Another option would be a variation of the game below. Obviously you wouldn't wrap the centerpiece 10 times, just read the poem and have the ladies pass the centerpiece. you could adjust the lines in the poem a little to be more general so they will be sure to apply to someone at each table (for example, the girl with the shortest hair, or the youngest or oldest person, girl with most children, etc.)

1. The news is out, quick send a cable, the centerpiece goes to the lady across the table.

2. If someone wears a dress of blue, she must take this gift from you. If blue cannot be seen, it goes to the one wearing green.

3. I will now read another verse...please pass it to the gal with the largest purse.

4. We are getting tricky, here is a real humdinger! Pass it to the one with the most rings on her fingers.

5. Wow! What a success! Pass it to the guest with the most buttons on her dress.

6. Alas, this gift is not for you. It now goes to the one with the largest shoe.

7. Let's get this party started girls..pass it to the one with the cutest curls.

8. Mommy is anxious. Daddy is nervous. Now pass this to the lady who drove the furthest.

9. There won't be time to practice, there won't be time to rehearse. Pass this centerpiece to the gal with the most money in her purse!

10. We hope you all are having fun. We have tried to include most everyone. From the largest purse to the largest shoe, pass this gift to the right of you.

11. We're ending this rhyme, this is the last poem, the centerpiece you are holding is yours to take home!

I think you are going to have lots of fun and lots of laughs with these. I never miss a chance to tell someone like you that the expectant mom is lucky to have someone planning her baby shower who is putting so much thought into making it special. Baby showers are events that are remembered by the mom-to-be for life. Thanks for putting such effort into making it wonderful!


You could put a number or something on the bottom of one of the chairs. Or you could give them a number, and call out numbers for door prizes.

Go thru and put a star on one seat at every table who ever is sitting in that seat when you get to the give away gets the centerpieces. Or use them as the gifts for other games. Or as "specials" = like the oldest guest, the guest with the oldest child, the guest with the most grand kids, the guest with the most children or the guest with ...well those were all I could think of off the top of my head!!lol.

Either do a raffle with everyone's name on it or tape an env. to the bottom of everyone's chair and one from each table have the word winner in them

Raffle is fast and easy, and fair but you could add real fun by making everyone come up with a reason why they should get it, it'll be a laugh and get the guests chatting. Then take a vote on whoever is most convincing at each table. e.g. your guests might have to say how they'd use the centrepiece, or what they'd do with it, everyone should come up with a persuasive idea.

Put a jar of pink/blue jelly beans on each table. The person who is closest to the actual number of jellybeans in the jar wins. You of course will have to make sure you know the actual number in each jar.

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