Any tips for a successful BBQ / party?!


Any tips for a successful BBQ / party?

It's my birthday in June and I want to invite some close friends & family for a BBQ party, nothing too wild but I don't want to be standing round talking about rose bushes either! I was thinking of having a Gazebo in the garden, any ideas would be most helpful concerning recipes, entertainment or anything else to help my party be a success!

Hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, have a nesco ready to put the meat in if you have to cook for a lot of people. Don't forget the saurkraut for the brats.

Have a big tin washbin filled with lots of beer and soda.

As for something to do, you should have a few lawn games to play. Examples... horseshoes, lawn bowling, croquet, ladder golf (swing ball), etc.

Have some music, and maybe a campfire for later.

Good Luck and Happy Birthday (early)!


dont say the word bbq. its cursed. as soon as you plan for a bbq, it will rain.

Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

Make sure there's loads of beer! A sunny day and some burnt burgers and sausages. Also have some good music playing and maybe some outdoor games like swingball. That's my idea of a good BBQ. Never underestimate the amount of alcohol you'll need.

You have to invite me. I love barbecue!!! I love party's too!!
I'll help liven things up ;p

have lots of different meats, chicken, beef, pork------& lots of napkins!!! don't let friends drive home drunk, hire a cab

you just need plenty food and drink.are and also xx

it's hard to find an in-between parte-ing hard and small talk.
um, music, outdoor cinema, exotic food?
or you can have it during a summer night (with the mosquito repellents handy) and you can have lanterns! wheeeee!!!

1. some music
2. lots of beer
3. nice amount of salad
4. tasty food
5. most importantly gr8 ppl

Just make sure you have all the right kinds of food and drink. Hamburgers and hot dogs are essentials, maybe even throw in some brats. Make sure you have beer (if you will be of age) and soda for those who choose not to drink.

For entertainment, I'd suggest Bags or Cornhole. They're the same thing, but different people know it by different names. It's a pretty simple game, but it usually keeps people entertained for hours. Keep the music going. Other activities depend on your age.

Also, if it is a nice summer evening, you could have a bonfire. Grab some marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate and throw together some smores.

The idea of the Gazebo sounds great. maybe fix up some outside lights or candles to make it look nice. make sure you have beer on ice and wine in the fridge chilling. make sure you have more than enough charcoal. I buy the instant lighting charcoal from Tesco.
I usually prepare the salad stuff on the morning of the BBQ and put it in the fridge. If you are making a marinade or using one then I usually put that over the meat, cover with cling film and place in fridge to let flavours develop.
I don't go overboard on burgers. I tend to serve more chicken breast and different variety sausages. But that's just up to your personal taste.
I have potato salad, coleslaw, tomatoes and green salad to serve with the BBQ and nice rolls for the sausages and burgers.
have some music playing in the garden and just let the conversation flow. I usually find with a good mix of friends that the evening flows nicely anyway.
You may want to consider soft drinks for drivers that may not be drinking. You could always make a nice punch too with perhaps pineapple juice, orange juice and rum and sparking wine. Lovely!!!!
Now for a different pudding you could do some fruit kebabs? I made these last year and they went very quickly. I used fresh pineapple, kiwi fruit, maraschino cherries and marshmallows. then dribbled melted chocolate over them. I serve it with a cream dip. they looked very pretty too.
I hope you have a fab day!!!

Chances are that the food part of this event is already being discussed and finalized, it would be a good time to indicate on the invitation that there will be games and activities. This way everyone comes with the mindset of participating in some activity. Lawn games such as croquette, volleyball, frisbee and pretty much any game that someone can play and not be very good at will increase the fun, especially if there is a few digital and disposable cameras to capture those candid moments.

Make sure to have plenty of festive party supplies on hand. The well prepared host is always the best host.

You might check this site out for some ideas:

A gazebo is a wise choice as it may rain, as it tends to when you least expect it!

Entertainment, go down your local garden centre and you will see giant outdoor games like Snakes & Ladders, Chess, Bowling and more, or even a game of twister?

Food Wise, the usual burgers, sausages, jacket potatoes, but what about also trying Prawns in a garlic butter sauce? You just need to get fresh (ready to eat) king prawns, stick them on a skewer, brush with garlic butter, wrap in tinfoil and stick on the BBQ for 5-10 minutes, so the prawns take the flavour. Unwrap and serve!

Also kebabs are nice, just put chunks of chicken, pork, steak, and loads of colourful veg on a skewer and bbq, they look fab as they are really colourful - also pop some pineapple on them, cooked pineapple is fab on a summers day!

For dessert / afters / pudding try bananas (whole) cut slits in 5-10 across the banana (width ways) and put chocolate buttons in the slits, wrap in tin foila dn put on the bbq for 5-10 minutes, they look fab and taste even better!

Why not try some exotic / fruity cocktails. Buy the ingredients you need, and put the glasses & bottles on a table, then put the cocktail recipes behine, Stick to simple ones, but make sure you put fancy straws, stirriers & umbrellas on the table - that should get people in the party mood, even if they are only non-alcoholic!

Some great summer drinks are White Wine Spritzers (half and half lemonade & wine), Orange & Passionfruit J2O with shot of malibu, J20 with lemonade, Pimms & lemonade, loads about on the internet, but just stick to the simple ones that are quick and easy for your guests to make.

Then make up silly names for the drinks, either celebrities, or just random made up things!

It'll be the food & drink you are chatting about at the end of the night - not the roses!

Have a lovely BBQ, I hope to get my invite in the post shortly!

yes make it a pot luck..have everyone bring something..

Number one thing for a BBQ is dont burn the food! Make sure there are no flames when you start cooking - just red hot coals to cook over.

Also lots of yummy home made side dishes such as salads, rice and BBQ sauce make the difference between a BBQ and a great BBQ.

No need to go over the top when having a BBQ. It'll be June so the weather should be on your side plus everyone will be in good moods. As long as you have plenty of food & plenty of chairs for people to sit & chat you're on to a winner. Make sure you have aome music & good company & you can't go wrong. I would ask everyone to bring their own alcohol though or it'll be very expensive for you.

Get lots of beers and Rose wine and chill well, preferably in a tub full of ice and water.
Make Indian marinade with Ginger/garlic paste, lime juice, salt, yogurt and curry powder. Marinate all meats night before.
For basting use melted butter with little garam masala powder
With salad serve Basmati rice pilaf and pieces of Nan. paratha and pitta bread.
For desert serve Indian sweet "Gulab jamuns" with ice cream

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