I bought a house and I want to host a themed party!

Question: I bought a house and I want to host a themed party
What do you suggest!? I've never done this before

FYI!.!.!.!.!.!. All adults - mixed gender/race/orientation/religion

1) Food will be all catered in - what kind of food should I get!?!?

2) What type of drinks!?

Hey, it's Lady Bunny!

Serve some foods that don't require plates like deli meat, fruit, cheese, nuts, cut vegetables, chips, etc!. You could also have a warm dish like swedish meatballs or small hors d oeuvres!. There should also be a bit of dessert like petit fors or pastries for the sweet-eaters!.

As for drinks, you could rent a frozen margarita machine!. They provide everything but the liquor!.



how about maybe a luau- everyone dressed in Hawaiian wear, serve roasted pig and fresh fruits and seafood and fruity drinks in coconut cups of course!
Mexican Fiesta- all mexican foods, margaitas, sangria and coronas
Toga Party- everyone dressed in a home-made toga (you can have a prize for best toga design), have sandwich trays and fresh salads!. drinks get a keg and do some keg stands!Www@FoodAQ@Com


I thought of this before I saw it though, for some reason!.

50's Beach Blanket Bingo Party!.
Palm Trees, BBQ, Fire in a pit in the yard (if you have one)
50's dance music, some beatniks in plaids, squares and stripes!.!. some groovy baby people and pinup people, martinis!.!.!.!. hah ahh I have so much fun in my mind, and really its SO cheap!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Theme it around aphrodisiacs and love!. Make everyone wear some thing sexy and play games that are centered around that and get catered food that is sexy to eat and have martinis as your alcohol selection!. and let everyone eat on the floorWww@FoodAQ@Com

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