I LiKe AppLezZ......you liKe???!
I LiKe AppLezZ......you liKe???
whaT KinD oF aPpLezzzZz???
I love apples but I'm picky. I will only eat Pink Ladies and Fujis.
Yez. Fuji.
I'm not really into apples, i love ripe mangoes. but i ate apples, just as long as it's red and juicy one.._c",)
The yellow kind...haha I dont know what theyre called.
I like the tiny 5cm cherry apples. Great for dipping in honey or chocolate fondue
Pink Lady ApppppEEEllllllllllZzZzZzZZZZz... thanks =p
Peach x
I like Gala apples the best. Right off the tree!