I need some ideas for games/activities for a 13 year old's dance slumber party!?!


I need some ideas for games/activities for a 13 year old's dance slumber party!?

I am having a slumber party soon. I need some ideas for activities/games. I need it to relate to the theme! These are the activities so far:
3.Swimming-we're renting a condo/hotel
5.Dance Trivia
6.Dance Competition
(about 7-10 girls) Thanks!

For my daughter's birthday we had:
*Name that tune
*Who's the famous person (only a portion of their hair or face was revealed. I had them put on the computer)
*Nail polish hot potato - every time the song stops whoever had the nail polish had to put it on their toe. Whoever painted all their toes was out. You can put several bottles in.

We had a "slumber craft"...painting white pillow cases with sponge shapes/letters and fabric paint.

You don't think you already have enough planned? Don't forget, 13 year olds have a mind of their own... they may end up making their own fun and games. Looks like you already have plenty of games/activities planned... maybe even too much.

Name That Popstar

This game is very simple, but always goes down well later in the party.

Get a dish and put in some names of popstars on pieces of paper. Ask your guests to take it in turns to pick one out and then to sing a verse of one of their songs. The other guest must try to guess the popstar.

You can award prizes for the best performance.

Boy Meets Girl

This game can be very funny.

Everyone sits in a circle. Get a piece of paper each and all write a boy's name on it. Now fold it over and pass it to the person on your right. Everyone now writes a girl's name on the paper (don't peek at the last thing written on the paper).
Then write a place, next a sentence that the boy says to the girl, and finally a sentence that the girl replies with.

Each time you write something you fold over the paper to hide what you have written, then pass it on.

At the end, everyone gets to look at what their piece of paper says and read it out to the party. Hilarious!

Hot Potato Nail Polish

Sit in a circle and start passing a bottle of nail polish round until the music stops. When it stops, you must paint as many toenails as you can, until the music starts again.

Keep playing until someone has all 10 toes painted.

I've played that at a few of my parties, and I liked it.

his game is for 6 or more people.

Collect the following articles of clothing (a thrift store is a good place to get these items inexpensively) and ensure that the clothing items are large enough to fit any guest. Items include:

- men's pants
- bra
- panties or men's undershorts
- shirt
- work boots
- gloves
- hat or cap
- winter scarf

You will need two dice. Seat everyone in a circle. Place the clothing in a heap in the center of the circle. One person begins by throwing the dice. One throw, then the dice are passed to the next person and play continues around the circle.

When someone rolls a double they shout "Doubles" and begin to dress in the clothing from the center of the circle. The dice continue around the circle until another person rolls a double. They then shout "Doubles" and start dressing in the clothing (the person already dressing has to quickly undress and give the clothing to the person who got a double).

The roll of the dice continues until another rolls a double. This continues until someone is quick enough to completely dress in all the clothing.

This game is a huge success and can be extremely comical and competitive as people scramble to undress the previous "doubles" declarer and get dressed before someone else shouts "Doubles".

The game can be modified (clothing-wise) for teens and younger children.

Note: The items of clothing in the center of the circle. Do not replace clothing you or your guests are wearing, it is put on over the top of one's clothing.

Buy a couple of disposable cameras. Split into two groups. One groups starts dancing someone stops the music and the Dancing group freezes and stricks a pose, the other group snaps some pictures. then switch groups. You will end up with great dance party pictures to remember your party.

1.dance---u migh play ur fave danc beat...
2.kareoke----ask ur mom..shez th best 1
3.swimming------slide down n splash in th water
4.makeover----buy sum kwl cometic kits n ask ur frnds to bring theis, then u make it louk like a makeover contest. th 1 who does th best makeover gets a kwl makeup kit!
5.dance trivia------don't include this, it'll b 2 many 2 handle
6. play ur fave dance beat n ask them 2 dance...th 1 who wins, gets 2 hang round with th popular gal 4 a week!!!

probably the best game ever to play is truth or dare. that way you will all get to know something about each othe you never thought you would.

Twister and others games like scrabble. make brownies and pop popcorn.

you got a lot of good answers! this should keep em busy and it gives me some ideas too! i was going to suggest a craft. like let them paint their name on a rock or inexpensive picture frame.

i would also do a craft, like make a pretty picture frame or a piece of jewelry. When i was that age, we would make koolaid pops when the guests first arrived so by the end, we had a snack (like we needed anymore). just make koolaid with slighlty less water than calls for, pour in paper cups (not styrofoam) and when frozen, peel off cups and enjoy

dancing is fun but it will only last for a short time. think of more water games. or something that they make to eat. because trust me 13 year olds love to eat. all of your ideas are great. but i dont think it will last til those kids go to sleep. how about movies that always works.

That sounds so good!

Have you thought of having a competition with a dance mat too? You can buy ones that just plug into your tv or if you have a playstation you can buy a dance game for that. The highest score wins a mini trophy that you could buy saying dance champion or somthing!

Oh and also, you could set up a video camera in the area where you hold the general dancing (it would be nice if they did this after the makeover). Get them to choreograph a routine and video it! Make a back setting so that it looks professional.

Make dvd copies for all the guests :)
Have a great time!

Peach x

you should have a mini fashion show and you should be at the end taking pictures when they strike a pose.i did that at mine.

Just give them supplies and lock them in their room and don't come up unless you're bringing food.

whoa, 13 is a BIG tI'me in a girls life, shes now a teenager. :]

but im 14 and what me and my friends love to do is watch movies, and we make this wonderful popcorn balls before.

its messy and fun.
all you have to do is pop popcorn and get marshmallow fluff from the jar. and pick a hand full of fluff from your jar and get popcorn and make a ball and its a great messy fun thing to eat while watching a movie with you favorite friends.

OH and my favorite kind of movies to watch with my best friends is chick flicks kinda like the notebook or legally blonde. my favies. :]

have a wonderful party and hope i helped, happy birthday. :]

Peticure/manicure, talent show, crafts (like make your own purse or bag, jewelery, or t shirts), make their own sundaes, watch movies, or have a pillow fight.

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