I'm thinking of ideas for 10 year class reunion for 1998 high school class.?!


I'm thinking of ideas for 10 year class reunion for 1998 high school class.?

Do you think a potluck at a park would be a great idea? I thought it would be a cheap way for people to reunite and the people who plan it would only have to pay to rent the space. Then people who show up can just bring their meat to grill and a dish to pass.

I must be missing something here. Do you come from an extremely small high school? If your high school was really small then hey, you know everyone best so get some feedback and have at it. If your highschool graduating class was over 100 then ditch any concept of sitting down and eating. I ran a country club for a number of years and I saw a number of reunions whether they were 10, 15, or 20 yr. They all had one thing in common: awkwardness. Have drinks, and snacks with both scattered about and in good supply. Make sure people know ahead a time that bartenders will cut them off if their drinking seems out of hand. Keep the get together moving and tight. Have some interactive activities but only one or two. Better to have the reunion scheduled for less time then more. If it goes too long you will end up with too many intoxicated and your party will fizzle out. If it's too short people will leave feeling that it was a great time and find their own way to keep contacts alive. Make sure you have some people helping you whose job is to spot the 'loners' (i.e. the people who were hoping to re-invent themselves but are not very good socially). Your helpers need to talk with these people and steer them into conversations with other attendees. Remember: people want to talk about themselves. If they are not talking, they are not having a good time......Beverages, snacks, and people to work the room. That's success in a nutshell


Pizza of course,and soda.

I think it's a good idea, but you should charge $5.00 per family or couple. Just state that in your invitation and ask for RSVP. That way you could buy the meat and have a cook-out plus you will have an idea of how many will be attending. Also, on the invite just ask for side dishes and desserts. Send an update questionaire with the invitation for everyone to fill out, whether they will be attending or not, then have the booklet at the reunion. Also, make sure everyone brings pictures and yearbooks.Or you could always go fancy or catered for $25.00-$40.00 a couple.

We did our reunion over a weekend. On Friday night, we all met at a locally owned casual grill. Everyone was responsible or their own food and we just got reaquainted. Saturday we met up on the river, and some of the men roasted a hog on an open grill. Everyone brought side dishes, desserts, chips, etc. Then on Sat. night, everyone met up at a local nightclub and visited, danced, partied. The cost was $50 a couple and this covered paying the band hired for the private party room on Sat. night.

I don't think this is a good idea. When you were still in high school, did you picture your 10 year high school reunion being in some park? Did you think you'd have to cook your own food at the reunion? People want someone a little more glamorous. Reunions are designed to show off.

I have a feeling a lot of people would be disappointed if this was what their reunion was. A lot might not even show up.

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