Ideas for a 5 year old Bionicle (lego) birthday party in the park?!


Ideas for a 5 year old Bionicle (lego) birthday party in the park?

Does anyone have any fun crafts or game ideas that could be fun for 4-5 year olds to do at the park? We are having a Bionicle theme party, but I'm not big on bringing lots of legos with us to the park!!

Here someof game that will bring lot's of fun
get some plastic balls, or foam balls (about the size of a mc Donald's plastic ball or a tennis ball) to make a the following game: divide the kids in two teams, boy and girls maybe, give each team a bucket or basket (that can be purchase at the dollar store) full of balls, at least 20, trace a line betweet that divides each team, or put some cones to make the division, when they hear the whisle or when you say "go" the girls team will try to throw all the balls in the basket to the boys are and viceversa, after 3 minutes you stop the game, the team who wins is the one who has less ball in their are.

another game is Musical Hats, is just like musical chairs but instead of chair you will use hats, place the hat making a circle on the grass, you can buy really funny ones at oriental trading, or contact kids Memories if you just want to rent them, the kids will need to go around the circle of hats with their hands behind the back, they can sing a song if you are not bringing any CD player and you can just blow a whisle or say "Stop" they will laugh a lot when they see each other with the funny hats on and you will also take really nice pictures.

You can also make a Potato Sacks game, (they will need some help, assign a couple of adults) you can also purchase them at oriental trading or just rent them at kids Memories.

the water balloon is fun too, have a bucket full of water and place inside enough ballons for all the team.
each team needs to persons, the game consists in throwing and chatching the water balloon to your partner in front of you without exploting it and getting wet as a result!, once the water balloon breaks that team is out until last couple remains with the balloon intact. the kids will throw the balloon every time you say "GO", just to make sure everybody does it at the same time.
Have fun!

You can also make a Potato Sacks game, (they will need some help, assign a couple of adults) you can also purchase them at oriental trading or just rent them.

And to make it more "BIonical" just add some Bionicle designs to the Potato Sacks, to the balls or use balls that match the colors of the theme, for the musical hats game also use some imagination to find hats that match the theme at least in colors, or by adding some stickers on.
Have a nice Party!!


my daughter had so much fun at her party, here is a few games that we played
''Clean Your Room'' - need a bunch of old socks, balled up and a jump rope. Divide group into 2 teams on either side of the jumprope laid out on the ground(we played kids vs grownups. Toss the socks out - everyone pelts them at the other team while yelling ''CLEAN YOUR ROOM!'' Object is to get all the socks on the other side...never happens - just play until everyone collapses into sillies.
One game that a friend of mine did at her daughter's party was really fun -- she gave each kid a different colored bag and had hidden different ''treasures'' in her yard, all wrapped in the different colors of each bag. The kids were instructed to find only the treasures that were wrapped in ''their'' color. It was nice because the kids didn't fight over the stuff they found, and it became kind of a cooperative hunt rather than a competitive hunt. play pass the bubble..Get some bubble mixture

You can play this game either inside or outside away from the wind. Provide each child with a sock to wear on one hand. Then blow a bubble and call a child's name. Using the hand with the sock on it, the child should try to catch the bubble and hold it without breaking it. After blowing several bubbles, count the number of children who are still holding theirs. Have the children try to pass the bubbles without breaking them. Next, have the children put the socks on the other hand and try catching and holding bubbles again. Blow one bubble to a child and count the number of people the bubble is passed to without breaking.
Dancing to music and "freezing" when the music is stopped to see who looks the silliest

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