Graduation Party ideas?!
Graduation Party ideas?
I am organizing a graduation party for a cousin of mine and we want to add *something* to it. Any unconventional ideas anyone wants to share? Nothing too bizarre or cheesy.. but just something that would make it stand out and be more enjoyable... activies, clever ways to set things up...
There will be kids and adults attending..
i.e. -> a tv set up with guitar hero
->notebook for people to write in and disposible cameras on the tables for people to take pics of themselves with..
just anny ideas please!!!
i had a graduation party for my daughter, it was so much fun & her & the guests really enjoyed it. it was alot of work. i got a lot of ideas from online & the party turned out great how about graduation caps that are centerpieces, upside down, holding florals.
Seating cards are little diplomas, each tied off with ribbons and tagged with the guest’s name and table number.
Make invitations into little diplomas. Use a calligraphy pen to script the invitation, roll the paper up and tie with a colored ribbon.
Give each guest a white t-shirt and set out permanent markers so that they can sign each other's shirts. They may not want to have the shirts on when signing if the markers bleed through the shirt on to their clothes.
Make a time capsule. Have each person bring something that has to do with their years in high school. Place this in a box and give to someone for safe keeping until their ten year reunion.
Have a sign in board. You can use a large scroll to keep the diploma theme or place pictures of as many of the classmates as you can find around the edges of a large poster board
Have a memory note station. Set up some little boxes for each guest, and paper and pens to write notes to each other. The teens can write their memories of the other person down and stick it in their friend's box.
It might be corny, but a round of "Guess the graduate" from a board of pictures can be fun. A graduation party has people of all ages so find baby pictures, middle school pictures or funny pictures! The one who guesses the most, wins.
set up a specific area where the graduate has a photo taken with the guests as they arrive at the party. These photos can be mailed to the guests along with a thank you note.
A scavanger hunt
pudding wrestling put pudding in a kiddie pool
A bon fire