Blast Off , It's Party Time Party Time!!

Question: Blast Off , It's Party Time Party Time!
I like this kind of music >>> http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=NucicclOd!.!.!.

what kind of other music should i play, and what kind of theme!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

A party isn't a party unless you play music that everyone likes to hear!. I find it best to get a list of at least 10 or more songs from all of your guests and arrange for them to be played at random!. I guarantee that your party will be a hit!. If at all possible, try going with a theme that matches the music!. For example, if I chose an 80's theme, I'd play music from the 80's!. Of course, you can also add other music, but most would from the 80's!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I Love system of a down!!!

they are your friends ask some of them wht is there fav!. music, and there you go!.!.

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