Guys 14th birthday party!??!


Guys 14th birthday party!??

Ok, I'm a guy turning 14 in 2 weeks.( short notice ) Do guys even have parties when their 14?? I wouldn't know I havent had one in 5 years. If so I don't know what I would do. It would be mostly guys and a couple girls. ( like 8 people at the most ) I don't have a million dollars to spend because my dad's out of work. ( $200 budget ) I would rather not have a expensive traditonal party such as an amusement park, bowling, or the movies. Does anyone have any ideas of what to do. Anything will help. ( Idk maybe a party for a 14 year old guy is lame )

sure it would be cool. order pizzas and have lots of pepsi, play video games or football outside. then you can chow down on cake and ice cream!

ya party at ur house i will break the keg!!! and u can provide the napkins

chill out at ur house thats what i did

-have a pool party {just hang and talk] !!!no games!!!

-just dont have one

-hang with friends dwontown

-have a sleepover with two best friends and eat and play video games.

-movies with max 10 people.

Never pass up a chance to throw a party! People love parties! You don't have to spend a fortune to make it something everyone will remember.

Definitely have it at home, where your friends can relax and be themselves. Pick out some basic food that you like and that's easy to serve and eat. Hot dogs with toppings, chicken wings, sub sandwiches, wraps maybe? If you don't want a traditional birthday cake, get a bunch of Twinkies and Ho-Hos and put them on a platter with candles in them. Popsicles are usually a big hit too.

First question to ask yourself: What are you and your friends into? If everyone has iPods, say, get some speakers and have everyone to pick, like, three (or four or five or six) songs they like that have some theme. Or really obscure songs and see who can identify them.

Another idea is to do something sort of corny. Like drag out all the old board games or party games (pin the tail on the donkey!) you liked when you were kids and have a steel-cage-death-match tournament. With prizes. Preferably something weird or funky or homemade or whatever.

Also good to give people something to play with, like those little bottles of bubbles or squirt guns (if you're going to be outside).

These ideas may be all wrong for you and your friends, but the main thing is to hang out with people you like. If you make them feel welcome and do anything a little unexpected, they will have a good time.

First go to the dollar store and buy simple invitations-make sure you included parental supervision and make sure your dad is aware of it. Do you have a bbq and a backyard? Fire up hotdogs, buy some fresh buns, simple lettuce, with tomatoes,some Zesty Italian or Ranch dressing, couple bags of chips, make some Koolaid with ice, Dad can bake? Make your cake!
What to do: scavenger hunt there a park close to home?
items like a penny, a glass of water from someone on your street, a coloured stone, a car on a block in the driveway, a driveway with a bus parked........stuff like that...write your scavenger list for each person....prize can be something small like candy or gum etc, pack of cards. Girls like fuzzy keychains or pens at dollar store...guys (well you know). look for things that come in a package of 3 or 4 for a buck..
you are on your are a is not lame that you want to celebrate your party...plan it out and talk to your dad (parents like that)...all the best to sound like a great kid...i have one 2..he is turning 16 on May 8 and we are planning a party for him

i wouldnt exactly call it a party i would just invite over your 8 people and have pizza and chips and rent some movies or something casual

hmm, how about a Survivor theme? You could invite an even number of guests, break them into two teams (with names that work for you and your friends...something that reflects your geographical location or interests) and do team challenges.

In the past, we've had challenges such as tricycle races, egg tosses/rolls, a high heeled race (team members wear high heeled shoes and transfer spoonfuls of colored water from one of the course to a cup at the other end), kickball (we called it "kick the skull" for effect) and once, we even had a HUGE twister challenge, using 4 mats!

The food is simple -- hot dogs over a fire, if possible, chips, water, soda, punch...with a big dirt cake with candles (and gummy worms and plastic this kinda feels like a Survivor/Fear Factor theme, now that I think about it).

Tribal council is actually the opening of presents. We've never voted anyone off of an island, though...what kind of memory would that be?

Decor is really up to you. We rent a huge club with a lot of grounds (our parties have grown to three teams of 15 this year!), and use tiki torches and palm trees, etc. For party favors, we ordered brightly colored bandanas and silicon monkey bracelets from Oriental Trading Co., and they're all very well received.

We always have the kids sleep over, watching movies on a huge screen tv until they finally crash, but you certainly don't need to do that, unless you want.

Good luck...and happy birthday!

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