What food/dish is your cure for a hangover????!


What food/dish is your cure for a hangover????

Tell me what entree, snack, junkfood, combination, drink (don't say another beer or shot; altho it does work) that brings comfort to your hangover and sometimes alleviates it altogether

Pizza and chicken/mushroom soup

Lots of water and sleep.

banana milkshake *yum*

oatmeal, possibly.
The high content of water soluble fibers tends to trap a lot of substances...like cholesterol.

it seems to have the best chance to work on hangovers.

Greasy Chinese food works the best for me.

My all time favorite hangover food is definitely biscuits and gravy!!

Gatorade, and a sub sandwhich. Cures it all.

a nice baked ziti or lasagna cheese is good !!!

usually don't want to eat much of anything. but, a few times i've gotten mcdonald's fries and they work great! only if they're fresh and really salty. just does the trick! :-)

EGGS! I crave them, in any form, on the rare occasion I am hungover. I am one of the lucky ones that rarely gets them!
But preferably an omelet or just sunny side up with toast!
Oh, and lots and lots of water! You gotta rehydrate!

Nothing can cure a hangover EXEPT........ I am selling in my shop a pill called KGB, it takes the hangover away, but you will be still drunk - I never tried them !!!
It is sold in a little aluminium box 5 or 6 in them and cost alot !!!!

drinking ritual, drink two 8 oz glasses of water before bed with 4 Advil. wake up and drink one alka-seltzer.
i also used to eat mac and cheese before going to bed cuz the pasta would absorb the alcohol.

OK, so I can't say bloody mary. A big cheese omelet with cheesy hashbrowns, and black coffee. Then...the nap.

drink lots of water before u pass out...it'll avoid the hangover...u get a hangover because you're body is dehydrated from the alcohol...so if you drink water and take some ibuprofen or advil, you should be good to go.

chicken noodle soup and a sprite or 7up

The best cure for a hangover is to drink less the night before!

Pedialite. My husband sets the alarm an hour before he's due to wake up, drinks a glass full of Pedialite and goes back to sleep. When it's time to get up, he's fine.

hi there,
get you some fish, what is marinated in vinegar, onions and black pepper, they come in jars, sour pickles lots of juice, cause alcohol drains lots of vitamins, drink a lot and try to take a nap, no coffee or tea, neither coke or mountain dew,

LOL don't drink...If you must water, water,water...there is no food to cure a hangover. You get hungover from dehydration, so fill up with water.

Bacon, eggs (over easy), gritts (ok, hash browns for you) OJ, milk.

Alternative: Big greasy, run down your arms, messy burger, loaded.

Hangover means really drunk. When you get drunk, you basically dilute your blood with alcohol.

Therefore the ONLY way to become sober or lose the hangover quickly is to drink as much water as possible so that the blood is not diluted with alcohol as water becomes more present and in turn, dilutes the alcohol.

try curds and plenty of water

BGB my friend! Big greasy breakfast. Something like diner food usually works...plus it makes you feel tired and heavy so you sleep off what ever alcohol is left. Good Luck!

Something spicy... Menudo!!!!

usually after a heavy night of drinking, my friends and i stop by a cheap diner to get breakfast food. the greasy food it perfect and i never have hangovers the next day! however, the best thing to do is to drink water while youre out...i know its hard to sometimes cause many people dont carry a bottle of water with them, so at least make sure you drink a large glass of water before you go to sleep and keep water next to your bed for if you wake up in the middle of the night.

the best thing is just regular water and some food!

Menudo con pan blanco

For the nausea : ice cubes . It stops the stomach swelling

For the thirst: VERY COLD coke, the caffeine in the coke helps reduce the headache

For the stomach acidity: Zantac

For dehydration: Water

For Vitamins: V8, or any kind of tomato juice

For the hungriness: any spicy soup. Korean soup is good, spicy noodles, even menudo. Sometimes a greasy hamburger from MC. Donald's help.

I hope this can help you. It really has helped me.

My cure is a glass of cola, with lots of ice, drink through a straw, and presto chango, hangover gone-o. If i feel like eating, it's something greasy, and usually cheesy.

apple sauce

Can of diet coke and a large bag of cheese and onion crisps normally does the job ............ oh and a couple of paracetamols xxxxxx

Cheetos and an ice cold Coke.
McDonald's, if you are not still too drunk to drive.
Green beans and potatoes, it sounds weird, but my mom used to make them, now I know why.

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