Party Ideas for a Pirate Themed Baby Shower?!


Party Ideas for a Pirate Themed Baby Shower?

My sister-in-law is having a baby girl whose initials are A.R.R. and she is totally into pirates. So we figured what better than a pirate themed baby shower. If anyone's got any ideas on what we should do or have in terms of decorations i could sure use your suggestions

Unusual Idea

Pass out eye patches as they come in the door... then make them walk the plank blind folded... heehee... got a swimming pool?? diving board ???.... just an idea

Have Fun

Eyyyy, Matey. Make sure the guest of honor wears an eye patch at all times. LOL. Serve shrimp cocktail and other items from the sea. Have treasure chest for decorations, in fact you could have everyone bring small items such as bottles, bibs, fill a treasure box!

Since you are having a pirate themed baby shower maybe you could hand out some fake doubloons, gold necklaces, lotto scratchers as "treasure" or give everyone a can of Goya octopus meat for fun! You could decorate the space with fake palm tress and tropical flowers, fish etc. Puerto Ricans and Italians have a tradition of giving a lace satchel with Jordan almonds inside. You could do the same with fishnet and coin candies and stick a sword cocktail stick in each one.


Sorry, I just can't think of pirates and babies in the same venue....

A big ewwwwww.....

Honestly, what is more dear, innocent, gentle, guileless, tender and sweet-smelling than a baby?

And what is more rough, coarse, nasty, be-stubbled, swearing/stealing/raping and pillaging than a pirate?

Please just does not work...

I wouldn't care if the initials were ARRGH.... or if the name of her street was the SS Minnow, or if her husband wore an eyepatch, if they met when they were stranded together on a tropical isle, or she decided to let her pet parrot sit on her shoulder for her entire pregnancy....

These 2 things do not go together and it is going to fall flat to anyone who has ever had a baby.

There are so many adorable ideas for baby showers...
You can float little rubber duckies in the punchbowl, you can make a centerpiece that looks like a big frosted cake out of Huggies, you can make all the guests drink out of baby bottles.....

But .....pirates???

I run a medieval faire for kids every year, and our pirate themed game and prizes are very popular with families. Pirate themed parties are really in style now, especially for kids, so you can find cute decorations and favors on a number of websites or in catalogues.

Oriental Trading
Kipp Brothers
Rhode Island Novelty
U.S. Toy

These are companies I use regularly--Yahoo! search will help!

you should have black and gold colors
like the pirates
maybe everyone could dress up like Bob Prince
or maybe Jason Bay
lots of baseball bats and gloves a few bases
and some beer and nachos peanuts and cracker jack
and charge everyone 12.00 to park

Invitations can be made, do you have a friend in advertising... would be cool to do a treasure box on it that looks like there's a baby in it, with a poem that you guys can make that says something to the affect that they will be holding their little treasure soon.
entrance fee is a small token for the baby in the treasure chest.
little gifts for the tables, maybe you can do soaps in the shape of shells.
Centerpieces, i would do something creative like (message in a bottle) they sell big bottles for partys and put something in it... maybe a message for the baby, get creative with this.
Food, definitely seafood.

Oriental trading has a whole section on pirate parties. You should also look a some baby shower sites and try to mingle these 2 different ideas together.

You should give everyone an eye patch on arrival (like giving a lei for a luau party).

Play "treasure bingo" as she opens her presents. This is a game where you each have a card with different baby gifts on it and as the presents are opened people cross them off and yell bingo. Things like bottle, bibs, diapers, thermometers etc, but make sure that you have a rule that you can only cross off one item from each present opened as some people buy a bundle of stuff.

Have Pirate Bread instead of Fairy Bread where you used chocolate sprinkles instead of Hundreds and Thousands.

Play pass the baby (a toy of course), and each person takes off an item of clothing until the final person who gets the very special "treasure", obviously the last item is the diaper and melt some chocolate in it. The last person must wipe the baby clean to collect their "real" treasure.


I just threw my 8 yr old daughter a pirate pool party and got some cute stuff from . Use the baby's initials and have guests make up as many pirate names in a certain ammt. of time ( peg leg pete etc) stuff like that. I scattered gold coins on the table tops along with some beads. Very cute. It's actually a really cute idea if you think of it as the couples "new little treasure" !!!! Hand deliver the invitations rolled into a scroll and stuffed in a bottle..............have fun with it!!!!

Have everyone come dressed as a pirate. Have a decorated Jolly Roger cake made with her initials on it and buy a big plastic sword like knife at the toy store for cutting it. Let the guest of honor do the honors. That should be easy...capris are all the rage now.
Serve finger food.
Have a great and memorable time.

I would use red,white and black colors. Have some fake parots. Oh if you can buy some sand put it in a corner w/a fake treasure chest and fake gold coins. An ideas for a baby shower game is a tresure hunt looking for baby iteams... have fun.....

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