For a children's party, do I need to invite everyone in my child's class?!


For a children's party, do I need to invite everyone in my child's class?

Yes you should.
I am assuming your kid is in elementary school right?
Well kids take it really personally if they aren't invited, and it is a horrible feeling to be left out of something that you would love to go to...and thats exactly how they will feel.
Just think of how happy you will be making these kids.
If you are going to opt out of inviting them however, make sure you only invite like 2-3 close friends.
Its the same as Valentines Day when if you are handing out cards you better give one to everyone.
These kids are too young and vulberable to not be hurt extremely by not being invited.
PLEASE invite them all...its just too sad if you dont.
Just make sure to tell you kid to be nice to everyone.

The first person who had answered mentioned not giving invites out at school...I am sorry but the kids will be talking about it at school anyways and the un-invited will find out and be hurt.

no but i wouldn't recommend sending the invitations to the school it would only hurt feelings. mail them instead and bring cupcakes to the class so they can all celebrate
even tho the kids will be talking about it afterwards the others will still feel a part of it and kids need to learn that they will not be invited to everything

Would you invite your entire office to *your* birthday party? I don't know where this absurd custom came from (no one ever did this when I was a child). No, you don't have to invite your child's entire class. Invite the kid's friends, the people he actually would like to be there.

Most of the time the parent brings a treat for the whole class but only invites close friends to the party. Depends on their age also.
Don't bring the invitations to school.

Either only a mix of their close friends or everybody. I invited almost everyone to a birthday party when iwas younger and I still feel pretty crappy when I think how the other kids felt. So either make sure it's a none school thing or invite them all. If it is only a few kids from the class and other outside friends and such then its fine.

Well, i guess inviting all classmates of your child is a good idea, you can also ask your child if it is just okay.. because we don't know maybe your child just want to invite his/her close friends


I think it depends how many kid's are in the child's class. If a large class. I would say "no", for me b/c of money reasons. I can't afford a party for 32 kids. If a small class (10-15 kids) I would say "yes", just proper etiquette.

Definitely do not invite the uncool kids. The uncool kids include any minority or females unless the females are the teachers who fornicate with minors.

No...This not a social question...When my son was young I would ask him to pick 2 friends and we would do something special...a whole day,a museum(lot's of dinosaurs), six flags, something memorable. A party at home with the friends they like and get along with will be better than he/she having to try to fit in at his/her party. Sometimes, too much is truly too much.

Yes, you should. It's just polite. Everyone is not going to show up. If they do, be sure you can accomodate them. Some folks are opting to have parties at a park for this reason.

if you are inviting most of them, then yes, as it would be unfair on the others, if only inviting 6 or so, then no.
we normally hire out a pool & have a pool party for the whole class, or hire a hall & bouncy castle.
kids don't eat that much, so it doesn't cost that much more

no not everybody.

Some kids never get to know each other thorughout the year. To be polite invite the whole class.
To be honest, contact the mothers of the children your child knows and mail the invitation home. It's not personal ....

Certainly not that li'l redheaded pisspants brat who likes to start fires


Only if it's kindergarten, and as the child gets older you (and your child) become more and more selective.

no! if one of the kids in his/her's class is not nice to ur kid then don't invite them

You don't really have to but do send the invites directly to those you intend to invite.

It really does hurt the little kids that don't get an invitation. So please don't send them to school if you are not going to invite everyone. Mail them to the child's house. But it is also fun to celebrate their special day at school. Ask the teacher if you could send cupcakes or cookies on your child's special day. That way everyone can participate and your child will love all the attention.

My son is in K5 this year and he was not invited to two parties and the invitations were given out at school. It honestly broke his heart. So please think of the little ones.

No just close friends.Unless you want the party a get together to know other kids and parents.The party would be a good gathering to make more friends.

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