So im planning a Party for my brother......?!


So im planning a Party for my brother......?

So he's turning 25 and i dont know what to do i have a gift for him but any ideas on how to surprise him or to make him feel happy because his gf just dumped him and he hasnt smiled for a long time so help? please....

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2 months ago
My brother is a nice guy i dont think he would like strippers.....

2 months ago
My brother is a nice guy i dont think he would like strippers.....

have a party for him , you can tell him or make it a surprise , whatever you think would work best. Talk to his friends and find out if they have any single , ( sisters , cousins, neighbours , co-workers , etc ) tell them to invite as many single girls as they can think of . You must have some single girlfriends too ..invite them . BTW it's sweet that you care so much for your brother . He'll get over this break-up in due time . just added ....what ever you do don't go with Abby's suggestion , if my sister did that for me it would depress the hell out of me ....further to Abby, It was already established that Jennifer was throwing a party , and already had a gift . She was simply looking for ideas of what might put a smile on his face . I never suggested that these single girls should be there to hit on him , but only to show that there are more fish in the sea , and if anything would develop ( what harm is there in that ? ) Sorry to poo poo on your answer but I was just saying that personally that sort of thing would ( although the thought would be appreciated ) really depress the hell out of me . ps disrespect intended.

what about inviting him over for pizza or cook him dinner

Try to make him laugh or bring him to place he hasnt gone to before somewhere fun like a beach or another country?

strippers should make him smile...find the ones that do private parties outside the club..i've been to a million batchelor parties and birthday parties with strippers and every dude in the joint was smiling everytime....if he's got a sense of humer get big and fat and one hot....then let the fat one give him his lap dance before he sees the hott one...then he'll have to smile

Since your brother is sad, it would most likely be best to do something that he likes doing. Take him to see a funny movie, or have food that he really enjoys. If you have a party, invite his best friends. Not a bunch of people, just a few. Play a board game or a fun guessing game. Good luck

U can give him a new and better gf! (kidding)


Tell him there are a lot o girls that might be better than his gf.

25 years of memories - even if he's older than you... If you two were close growing up, create a little "scrapbook" of silly pictures and great memories you both enjoy. Include images you may need to print off the computer of specific memorable items. (IE - I used to buy my brother Hugo Boss EVERY Christmas, it wasn't a surprise anymore after a couple years... I could put a picture of the cologne) Any toys/games you played as kids, friends you shared, even things you used to fight about (that now seems funny)... At the end, maybe include some tickets to make another sibling memory together...go to a comedy club, movie, museum, play, etc... The last page could also include his birthday card, hence ending at his 25th year... This could be displayed for guests to view on a table with other pictures of him framed. Or with the same idea, a power point slide show using his old and new favourite songs... MC HAMMER!?!? VANILLA ICE!?!? Perhaps the slide show could include more pics of him and his friends for the party...

Whatever you do, don't try and find him a girlfriend by inviting a bunch of single girls he doesn't even know... It would be depressing and make him feel like **** if everyone is focusing his BIRTHDAY around his lack of a girlfriend, and I DOUBT he will want to date one of his sister's friends who are 19... Afterall, its about his birthday and not bringing a reality TV show/dating line into his home, right? Nice try though "Brother Nature"...

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