How do you throw a house warming party?!


How do you throw a house warming party?

- I have three weeks

Get your invitations out quick. I suggest printing up postcards on your computer, using an informal postcard will 1.) save you money on postage (.23 cents opposed to .39 cents) and 2.)it will establish that it's an informal event. Put a RSVP with your phone number with a cut off date of 2 or 3 days before your party so you can guesstimate the number of people. You can include on the postcard "bring a favorite dish to pass", or if your not comfortable with that, omit that part but if someone offers to bring something say "Yes, that would be great." When throwing a party any help should be gratefully accepted. Buy food that you can prepare or freeze in advance, hotdogs, hamburgers, sausage. Also buy your paper products and condiments in advance, along with beverages, anything bought in the weeks proceeding your party will help make things easier on you the week of. Store in a tote to keep everything together. Make things like potato salad and macaroni salad the day before and store in fridge. Put drinks on ice the night before so everything is cold. Don't forget the extra bags, 2 should do, of ice in a cooler for drinks. If you are having soda, use two liter bottles rather than cans, because if kids are coming there is less waste and you can clean it up easier. Have a friend who is a barbecue guru run the grill, or recruit your husband so you don't have to worry about that. The more things you can get done in advance, the more relaxed you will be and it'll free you up to enjoy your own party. Congrats on the new house! Good luck and Have fun! :o)

1. plop a keg in the back yard
2.invite 200 people
3.bask in the glory of throwing one hell of a rager

It's not difficult:
Invite a lot of people you like.
Have some good music on hand.
Have lots of food and drink.
Have fun.

Good luck in your new home!


I had my housewarming a few months ago and it was a hit. Here are some things I do to make sure it was a success.

- Make a list of people who you would like to invite. Don't invite too many people if the space isn't adequate. I had about 21 people, I invited 30.

- Register. I registered at Bed Bath and Beyond but Linen and Things is good too.

-Plan what day and time is good for you and your guests.

-Choose a theme

-Plan out the menu. I even wrote out a menu so the guests could see what they are choosing from. I made appetizers, and my theme was tapas. It was everything but just in small sizes, even the desserts were single servings. I had an open bar so everyone just served themselves drinks. I also had everything in small dishes that were disposable so dishes weren't too bad.

-Music and entertainment will come with the guests and what you like.

I hope this helps! Good Luck!

make it feel homy and fun

karoke board games?

and remember to warm your house with the heater!!! lol

Keg, lots of people...clean house....lots of to do outside (if you have a yard) Have fun!

Decide who you will invite.
Send out invitations tell where, when, and what it is about
Make up a buffet table planning on spreading out finger foods first. Snacks and such
Tell people bring their own booze if they want any. Use it to set up a bar and have someone play bartender.
make a few salads
Set out a couple of entrees. One meat. One veggie. Maybe even a chicken
Get a DJ and set aside a place to dance. Place all refreshments on the far side of the dance floor from the entrance and away from th DJ's area.
Always have a member of the family meeting and greeting people at the door with a guest list.
Have good security
Let the neighbors know about the party in advance by inviting them even if you don't like them.

I had an apartment warming party not long ago and I made it a potluck affair, that way people are bringing what they like, and you don't have to worry about whether your preparing what your friends like or not. Have music and games on hand and the rest will take of itself. Relax and have fun and it will be a big success.

Send out invites especially to a few neighbors closest to your house, have a caterer prepare your food so you dont have to worry preparin the food, and they have waiters to help serve the food & attend to your guests' needs.This will allow you to have more time to entertain each guest & showing them around your house. Put in some good music but not so loud, or you can prep a game or two to add fun. If you have a pool, put some lighted floating candles. Goodluck = )

Best way and cheapest, have a barbecue. Simple invite all your friends pull out the barbecue and toss some hamburgers and hot dogs on. You can get a little fancier with the side items. But it will be quick and not very expensive. Congrats, have fun!!

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