How would you react it you get invited to a party and it said byoa???!


How would you react it you get invited to a party and it said byoa???

if i have a cookout, is it wrong if i provide food, soda, water, beers, margaritas, and juice and on the invitation i said byoa (bring your own alcohol)?

I have rarely been to a BBQ or party where the guests DIDN'T bring their own alcohol or contribute something to the party (which is usually alcohol or some sort of dish or snacks). It all starts in college because everyone is so poor, you provide the location, everybody else comes with their own food and drink (or chips in for a pizza and bums some drinks).

Usually the host will have extra in case someone forgets, but it is perfectly acceptable and usually assumed that guests should bring their own beverages (unless it's a formal party, this is only in regards to a very casual party with friends).

IF you are invited to a formal party of some sort, where it's your friend's parents work party or a wedding or something along those lines, then I would usually bring a bottle of wine or a dish but that is more of a token than a necessity.

These rules of etiquette can vary depending on where in the country you are and what the culture/heritage is there. I'm sure people in Beverly Hills, CA have different etiquette than Guntersville, AL!

Livin and Lovin

Well, beer and margaritas are alchohol but if you mean other alcohol I don't find a problem with byoa.

No way, we do it all the time, we just call our friends and say we having a crawfish boil or a barbeque and they usually say "you want me to bring something", and we say "just bring whatever you want to drink", our people know that don't mean soft drinks and they show up with their cases of beer or their gallons of daiquiri's or their margarita's - no bad feelings, just a fun party.

I dont think it is wrong at all. If gives those that want to being their alcohol to bring it..if they dont, then they dont have to. it should not be up to you to have to foot everyone's drinking bill. Plus there are so many people who like so many different things, it is goingto be impossible to cater to everyones taste. We byob all the time.. no one complains..i like it personally, that way I know I will for sure have something that I like to drink at the party!

The correct term is BYOB (bring your own bottle) and no, it is not wrong. You are already laying out quite a spread...your guests should be happy to supply their own bottle of choice.

Maybe say something like "beer, margaritas, and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring your own booze too"
But, you know, word it better. If I got that invite I'd say, hell yeah we're barbecuing!!!!!

nothing wrong with it unless you have that friend that brings cheap alcohol and drinks from the expensive bottle. Just kidding, kinda true. There is nothing wrong with it and a close group of neighbors that Im in do it always that we have a cookout or gathering that is not for the kids.

I would bring my own bottle

totally normal, even if you don't say to bring something and people don't, their party etiquette is questionable. I always show up with a bottle of wine or a case of beer or something, but you can always count on at least one person showing up with nothing, so better to say it. My niece's ex boyfriend used to show up to every event with nothing and drink himself into oblivion. It was always a downer to see him walk in.
Have a good one.

Where I am from we have this type of gathering often. We all get together and everyone brings their own cooler. Typically there is one or two that show up empty handed but for the most part it works for us. Take for example last weekend, it was my husbands best friends bday party. Everyone brought a cooler of their brand of beer for themselves. Many of us women prefer mixed drinks and we bring the necessary stuff and mix them on site for all to enjoy. It is acceptable here for the "BYOB or byoa." So personally I am not offended by this type of gathering. It is the custom here.

Not only is there nothing wrong with having people bring their own alcohol, which creates a bigger variety, but you are even being thoughtful enough to have some variety available for those who are first to arrive. My wife and I periodically hold wine and cheese parties, where the invites tell guests to bring a bottle of either their favorite wine or one they've wanted to try, and we always have a few bottles available for the first people to arrive so they aren't stuck drinking only the one they brought.

Not at all. Oftentimes demand outweighs supply on what you can provide yourself. It's nice to have people bring their favorites in case they drink a lot. It's also nice for you to get the leftover bottles of alcohol. Kind of like a hostess gift. .

I usually say "Beer, wine, and margaritas (or in my case martinis) will be available. If you'd like something in particular to drink, please feel free to bring it."

That way you're not obligated to have a full bar. Plus, people should bring something, whether it's an appetizer or a drink.

We don't drink so everyone knows to bring their own at our house. We have tons of people and lots of parties and no one ever complains about bringing what they want to drink.

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