Guys what is wrong with my b/f?!


Guys what is wrong with my b/f?

Ok. Well it will be three months on June 16th for my b/f and I. He is 14 and i am turning 14 on June 11th. Anyway. We were really close and basically "The Hollywood Couple" as everyone called us because we were so perfect together. WE were extremely close. Then all of a sudden he stopped saying i love you he wouldn't call me everyday only instant message me, and started acting wierd this went on for a week. then last night i go " hun.....whats wrong? lately you haven't been acting like your self and I wanted to make sure everything is ok..." Then he said, " What are you talking about I haven't been acting different..." Then I said my friends even think you aren't acting like your self. you can tell me it'll be ok...." and then he goes," hun listen. i love you to death baby. nothing has changed between us." Then i go, " ok hun i love you too i gotta go ttul." he goes, " ok i love ya sweetie good night." every since then he has been all of a sudden really sweet and nice. Is he...........

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2 weeks ago
up to something bad that I should know about? plese help me I need it desperatly! thanks so much!

2 weeks ago
up to something bad that I should know about? plese help me I need it desperatly! thanks so much!

Somebody told him to treat you better or he might loose you...

Enjoy It Hon

wait you are 14 and acting like this
you are a psycho in the making
calm down
you do not even know what love is
man you kids
when i was 14 i did not even think about love
what is wrong with you kids

its hard to tell, he could be. but he could have just been busy. but going by your age, it might be him up to something

when i was 14 a whole year ago i wouldnt of dreamt of cheating on my gf so i would say no, but i thnk simplest explanation is that he was in a shitty mood or he suddenly decided that it was uncool to do the "sweet stuff" possibly peer pressure, yer his freinds probs thought he was all gay hmm well sounds like your ok now

You are both 14. That's what's wrong. Whaddya want to do, marry the guy?

My advice is don't worry about it. If things aren't like they used to be, then maybe it's time to break up and move on. You'll both get over it.

Remember, ALL relationships end in either a break-up or a death. That isn't meant to be cynnical, just realistic. The point is, accept this fact, enjoy your life, enjoy being with people, and don't get too bent out of shape when it doesn't work out.

that's a real hard one. it could just be he had things on his mind and needed space, i know you asked him whats wrong. but lads don't tend to say how they are feeling. there could be millions of reasons, that's where trust comes in. you need to be able to trust your boyfriend. just ask him what you are paranoid about could be going on and really build up the trust between you and him.
good luck!

Just keep the communication lines open. It's great that you asked him what was wrong, rather than let it worry you. It's also very mature that you asked a question, and didn't accuse him. Good luck!

sweetie trust him, he s at a confusing age and probably feel confused about going to HS and maybe worried about u guys together or he could be up to something but dont make any rash decision , put a close watch on his behavioral pattern and see if he going back acting shady if so hes up to something

I would say that nothing is wrong. A 14 year old boy (yes I said boy) isn't exactly the insight of a great relationship builder. To tell you the truth, boys are very immature and I would expect a lot of things to happen that you don't understand. Just like you probably do things that he doesn't understand. At 14 you shouldn't have this much drama in your life...but that's for you to figure out.

Good Luck

When I was 14 I was having sex with the guy I was with! I honestly think that you need to talk to him face to face not over the internet and if it kills it, it kills it it will hurt, but you are only 14 and you have the rest of your life ahead of you! He might just need his space maybe he is planning something big for the two of you that if he talks to you he might let it slip! Just talk to him face to face and see what is up and be very open with him tell him everything you feel and you have told us here. Everything will work out for the best. And don't let him go until he talks to you especially if something you think might be depression or something else along those lines!

Did u just say you're 14? and both 14? Wow! Calm Down girl. When I was your age I was still playing. You're too young to even worry about all that. Your bf might just wanna have fun and not smothered. Most of the time guys just wanna have time to do what they want. You dont expect them to sit around with you all the time. Life has a lot to offer you both and you both have to experience it.

He might just be out there exploring the world and learning from it day by day. You've got better things to do than dwell on your current concern. Dont worry about it. Go out there and make the most out of everythin as much as possible.

Be open-minded too. Dont torture yourself with that because that will affect your school as well.

When you can ask a question without using a bunch of "then he goes" and "then I go" you might be mature enough to consider love as an option. Both of you have a LOT of growing up to do. Slow down and enjoy it.

When I was 14 and my bf did that to me, getting dumped was just around the corner. Kids just don't know what they want out of life and relationships at such a young age. Serious relationships just gradually exist after you spend a lot of meaningful time with somebody. Maybe you should go skydiving together. Get out and do life together. Don't just sit at home and snuggle.

Honey, you guys are only 14-you are still growing and maturing, moods tend to change quite often at this age. Dont worry about it too much.

Sounds like he may have met someone and was trying to choose between you and them Not to say he actually talked to them about this. Evidentley if he picked you, if this was the case. Too, they're could be personal problems in his family that he's embarrassed to talk to you about. You need to ask him what you ask us, insist on an answer and explain why!You need to read some teen magazines. Will help with many issues. Growing up is hard, being grown even harder. I wish you my best!

sounds like he has a new girlfriend

it kinda sounds like hes cheating on ya. nut im only 12 what do i no??

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