Would this avoid unnecessary blame?!


Would this avoid unnecessary blame?

When entertaining, as guest are arriving at your home for your latest shindig. Make them swallow a plastic numbered disk (penny size) and mark it off against the guests name. Now if someone pukes up on your carpet later in the evening, with a quick glance at the number, the person responsible for the technicolour yawn can be handed a mop. Would this work?

Brilliant and you could have a raffle at the end of the night for the wining numbr if your party guests all have too much to drink

Seems like it would work. Maybe your friends should lay off the booze. If you get to the point of puking...your doing some serious damage to your body....Its called alcohol poisoning.

give them a bucket to wear round their neck on arrival.

I think this is called inherent safety. You take away the possibility of it ending up on the carpet etc.

lol love it!

Yes, however if they were to choke on the disk & die I don't think you would have insurance to cover it.

The deceased's relatives would sue you, you would lose your house, car, dog, swimming pool & family, then your self respect, then your job & then end up living in a cardboard box under a bridge. Drunken hooligans would then set you on fire one night & wild cats would finish up the left overs.

Hang on, I think my imagination's getting carried away again...


Good in theory bad in practice:

1. Person could choke on disk

Plastic may be digested depending on its compositions so you could have two possible outcomes:

2. The disk is digested by the stomach acid and they throw up no disk is found

3. They don't throw up an the disk is not digestable, the nex day is gonna be sore!

Oh and there is the scenario where they throw up and then lift the disk and bin it or, [ew ew ew] eat it again!

It might be simpler to just shoot your guests as they arrive. Lets face it, they're all prospective vomiters and you didn't really like them all that much...

Add a twist to your idea...

Ever heard of cow chip bingo? It's where a cow is fed well and allowed to roam in a roped off square. The square is blocked and number and whoever bets on the square that the cow does his business in, wins a prize. Take that idea and combine it with the board game "Clue."

Since you are already expecting you friends to disrespect your house (guessing it's happened several times in the past?) use tape to mark squares on your floor. Take bets at the door on who will puke in what room and on what alcohol.

Chances are someone won't win, but it'll sound good to the party animals you have over. Use the money collected to get your carpet cleaned professionally after having the puker clean up the big chunks. If someone does win, take enough off the top as administrative fees to get the carpet cleaned.

What'r you gonna do if he takes a dump !

Usually people that drunk aren't capable of cleaning up effectively. How about you have that person have the party at their place next time?

Make sure their are a couple of buckets around for those who drink too much. They can then clean their own buckets of vomit. Yugghie, hope you have a Bissell carpet cleaner:)

I think you need to find new friends who don't get that p****d!

No silly idea,

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