Is it rude if your friend orders something but doesn't consume it?!


Is it rude if your friend orders something but doesn't consume it?

My friend always orders things off the menu but doesn't exactly know how it is made or what is in it. Is it childish? I think she should at least try to get it exchanged and the waiters can eat it or give it to food shelters. Sometimes she will order cocktails and think it is too strong and will only take a sip. It's a waste of money, food, and labor.

Additional Details

8 months ago
I mostly pay for her drinks when we are at a bar and occasionally dinner...

8 months ago
I mostly pay for her drinks when we are at a bar and occasionally dinner...

That is rather rude, yes. I know a few picky people who do the same thing and I usually feel so badly when they waste it. Tell your friend that when she orders and shoves it away it really bothers you. Make sure only to express this when you are in a different setting and very politely as to not be offensive in any way. I'm sure she will respect your thoughts on the subject. If she doesn't then simply find a different one of your friends to take out on a dinner date. Good Luck with everything.

if she is paying for her own bill let her order what ever she wants. if you are paying speak up and say something politely.

well it's not rude perse but it certainly is a waste of time energy and money and i hope it is not ur money. if so then shame on u for letting her take advantage of u time and again.

she is trying to be a big shot, it's not your money so get over it

If shes the one that is going to pay for that, then who cares, shes spending her money. However, if shes spending other peoples money because of that, then that is kinda rude.

For you I suggest Xanax.

Calm down! and Breathe!

Is it rude? No. It is a good way to explore and experiment with different foods we are not normally exposed to. Now, if money is a consideration and she is not paying for it, she should offer to pay for it. It would be outright rude if she never intended on trying it, but was ordering it just to increase the bill for the payee.

I would doubt a food shelter would accept any prepared food in that manner. Good idea, just unlikely.

The money covers the food and labor, so in the long-run, it is a wash. She gets what she paid for - if anything, she got some experience out of it and will not order the same thing again.

I agree. It is a waste and she should ask her waiter or waitress what ingredients are in a menu item and consider then if it is something she wants. I do have to say though that if it is her cash she can send it how she wants. However, you are her friend and should bring these to her attention. For every few dollars she wastes tell her she could have put the cash toward a vacation she wants to do or a new car she is saving for...see what I am saying? Good for you for being an observant friend and concerned about your friend's frivolous habit!

it is only rude if you are the one buying the drink or food for her , if you offer to buy a drink and she gets some , wild booze drink that nobody has ever heard of and doesnt like it , then she needs to be polite and try to drink it, or say this is nasty and then turn around and buy you another drink and get herself a fresh one ....but it is her right to try different things and waste as much food as she wants , restruant workers are there to sell food .If she pays for it and dont eat it then noone cares ...... they waste tons of food everyday so your friends meal is not a big deal .....

Yes it is rude. Why take your friend somewhere to eat, if someone is making the food for him/her for nothing.

yes it is it's wasting food and money

Sounds like a lack of confidence. At least she's learning (I hope) about what she likes and doesn't like.

Why are you paying for her, in this day and age? Can't you go Dutch and pay half each?

Does she want to be eating out or would she rather do something else?

yea it is a waste maybe she shoulden't leave the house lol

It's annoying, but I don't think there's much you can do about it, other than not pay for her food/drink if she's not going to eat or drink it.

Typically, waiters will not want her leftovers. First, they don't know you or your friend (and they don't know what you may or may not have done to the food while it was sitting in front of you), and a lot of places will get SERIOUSLY upset if their waitstaff eats leftovers. If you want it to go to a shelter, you'll have to take it yourself. While that's usually a good idea if, say, you've catered a large party and have quite a bit of food, if you are taking 3/4 of a steak and the better part of a baked potato, I'm not sure how excited they would get about that contribution. If you know a guy under a bridge on your way home, HE would probably enjoy your leftover dinner.

It's annoying to you, no doubt. I had a a gastric bypass, and order a to-go container WITH my meal, knowing I will be taking home the majority of it in a box.

Seeing as your friend is an adult, I don't think there's much you can do. Before she orders, remind her that she never eats much of what she gets (my husband does this every single time we go out, and he reminds me to get something that reheats well). Before she actually orders, ask clearly (either by reminding her to ask, or you ask the waiter yourself) if she can get a half-portion. Also, when she orders drinks, encourage her to order a mild white wine or something, instead of a strong cocktail. Encourage her to also ASK what exactly something is, so that she doesn't order then get a suprize and realize she doesn't like what she ended up with. The waiter should definately be able to tell her. If she won't ask, YOU ask.

In general, though, if the woman is determined to order more than she can handle, if she insists on ordering something without having a clear idea of what it is, or otherwise orders and doesn't finish it, just don't keep paying for it. I think that's reasonable. I don't know how to get it across to her that you won't pay for her to NOT consume what she orders, but if this bothers you all that much, that's pretty much the only thing you can do that I can see.

I would probably be annoyed by that too if someone did that to me several times. However, I wouldn't lose any sleep over the labor, that's what the staff gets paid for. I also highly doubt that same staff will eat off your friends picked over entrees. So, what do you do? Make her pay for a change and see if she is as wasteful when it's on her dime.

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