Party help! I need help!?!


Party help! I need help!?

I'm about to have a party for 18 girls and I am having it at my house. i have a pretty big yard so anything's good. I'm around 13-14. Any ideas?

The things that make a good party are food and drinks, music, and atmosphere. Since it will be outside, you already know the atmosphere, so plan the music and food around that. If it will be a hot day, try a grill out with burgers and hot dogs and chips and dip, and fresh veggies and dip, strawberries and apples with chocolate and caramel dip, and cola. Or, if you can't grill out, just sandwiches are fine, and have a picnic lunch basket and everyone can eat on blankets - sandwiches, potato chips, potato salad, macaroni salad, cookies, crackers and cheese, veggies, etc. Have fun "virgin daquiris" with paper umbrellas. Just buy the strawberry daquiri mix and blend it with ice and 7-up instead of alchohol. Set up speakers outside and have whatever kind of music is popular among your guests. Make sure there are plenty of chairs grouped in circles or pairs, so people can section off and have conversations, with a table or stand to put their drink on. It's also important to have fun things to do, but not to schedule people into it in case they don't feel like it. Twister is a great idea. Also have hoola hoops on hand, and maybe some water guns. Or, if you're low on money and don't have any of these things, just buy water balloons for a few dollars and have a water fight. Since it is all girls, you can also do girly things, like dancing or sunbathing (tell everyone to bring their swimsuit). You could have a "spa" day and have all kinds of little beauty treatments on hand. Eggs are a really good mask. Just crack an egg, whip it, and spread it on your face and wash it off once it dries. The protein is great for your skin. Slice a cucumber for your eyes, or use tea bags. Make a face mask out of oatmeal and honey. Make hair mask out of mayonaisse or olive oil and sit in the sun for ten minutes before rinsing. Exfoliate your skin with sand. Then just rinse yourselves off with the hose. Have fun!

well it matters if you know the people well that are coming over.
if you do, then make some stuff that they like.
at regular partys that i go to, there is adleast always punch/lemonade, burgers/hot dogs, ice cream, and more. but that is very original. you might also want to go a little funky by making a really deluxe dessert.

but if you have a big yard, i would go with the hot dog thing...and....TWISTER!
twister is such a classic.
go with the classics.

badmitton, volleyball in one corner......have another corner set up with a table and different board games...........and another corner have the sprinkler going (if it is warm) with some kind of beach ball that has water running through it.......have another table set up with all kind of candy on it.....JUST HAVE FUN

Get a sprinkler! There's nothing more fun than hot weather and cold water. Is it an all-girl party? If it is, have different sations set up like a mani/pedi station and things like that. Use your backyard by havin different games like twister and have loud music that people can dance to. Make sure you have really cool lights out so when it gets dark, it will illuminate your party in a rally fun way. For decorations, go to the dollar store--- they have a lot of hawaiian themed decorations there. good luck!

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