Easiest Recipe for a Romantic Dinner, please help!?!


Easiest Recipe for a Romantic Dinner, please help!?

Set your table with your best dinnerware, romantic linens, flowers, and candles. Don't forget the wine and cheese and your favorite romantic music to set the mood. Clean as you cook, but don't worry about the mess afterwards; leave the dishes till morning and enjoy each other!
To Start: Heart-Shaped Smoked Salmon
Main Course: Chicken Escalopes with Continental Salad and French Fries
Dessert: Bananas Flambees
Cheese and Biscuits(optional)
Coffee and Mints
. ..
. . Starter:- Heart-Shaped Smoked Salmon
This looks attractive, feels indulgent, and goes very well with a glass of bubbly!

Spread 2 slices of bread with soft cheese (I find the low-fat version easier to spread and creamier, but it's a matter of taste).
Cover the soft cheese with a layer of smoked salmon. Use biscuit cutters or a knife to cut into several little hearts (as bite-sized appetisers) or one heart shape per slice of bread - click here to get a heart template the right size - just print it off then cut it out.
Arrange on a plate and garnish with a slice of lemon and a piece of dill.
A squeeze of lemon on the salmon adds to the flavour.
If you're using the template, don't forget to print it off ahead of time!
. Salmon Ingredients

Bread - sliced wholemeal (1 slices per person)
Small tub soft cheese (e.g. Philidelphia)
Smoked Salmon (I like Gateway's best)
Lemon slices
Fresh Dill to garnish (optional)

. . Main Course:- Chicken Escalopes with Continental Salad and French Fries
Home-made escalopes taste so much better than shop-bought and can be prepared ahead of time - you can do steps 1 to 5 the night before and keep the escalopes in the fridge overnight. If you're worried about the salad dressing, bottled ones are so good now that they are a suitable substitute (homemade ones can also be prepared the night before).

Cut the breast fillet(s) in half to make them thinner (i.e. cut them 'along' rather than 'across'), and then cover them with foil or clingfilm and use a rolling pin or similar to flatten them further. This doesn't harm the meat.
Sprinkle a plate with a good layer of flour, mixed with salt and pepper to taste (I don't add much at all, if any).
Beat an egg well in a cup, then pour onto a second plate.
Make breadcrumbs from the sliced bread using a liquidiser or grater (it is easier with older bread), then put the breadcrumbs on a third plate.
Coat both sides of each chicken breast with first flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs.

The meal does not take long to cook, and can be done after you have had your starter, so you can linger over your bubbly!

Put the chip pan on (I am sometimes organised enough to get it fairly hot while preparing the starter, leaving it off while we eat - then you don't have to wait too long for it to warm up).
Toss the salad in a large bowl and take it to the table. Make sure your partner has a full glass and the music isn't about to end.
Heat some oil in a large frying pan. Make sure it is hot before you add the escalopes (not by sticking your finger in!).
Cook the fries when the chip pan is hot, and keep an eye on them as they cook much more quickly than fatter chips.
You may need to add more oil to the escalopes during cooking, as the breadcrumbs absorb it.
When one side is golden brown, turn them over. At this half way point, you'll get a good idea how long the escalopes will take - decide whether you want to put a baking tray in the oven (at about 150°C) to keep things warm.
When both escalopes and fries are ready, serve immediately.
. Chicken Escalopes Ingredients

One large/two small chicken breast fillets
1 egg
3 slices wholemeal bread
Olive oil
Salad and Dressing Ingredients

Pack of Continental Salad
Olive Oil

Frozen Fries

. . Dessert:- Bananas Flambees
A very spectacular, tasty and simple dessert.

Cut the bananas in half lengthways, so that they still lie flat on a plate (do not do this in advance, as the banana will discolour).
Fry the bananas in butter in a frying pan until the colour has gone slightly golden.
Add the sugar and orange juice and cook until the sugar has dissolved.
Dim the lights slightly, for extra impact!
Add the brandy, and set it alight.
When the flames have disappeared, serve immediately with cream (you can whip the cream the night before, or buy extra thick double cream).

If you're really pushed for time, supermarkets usually do a good range of suitable desserts, or a quality ice cream served in pretty bowls and garnished (think of wafers, quality biscuits, chocolate decorations, berries, etc, depending on the type of ice cream). . Bananas Flambees Ingredients

2 bananas
25g butter
Juice of half an orange
1 tablespoon demerera sugar
2 tablespoons brandy (or rum will do)
Double cream to serve

for a romantic dinner here's ur recipe
1. make reservations (if you cook when comes he'll smell the food on you)
2. look hot, sizzling
3. order champagne

1. Pick up something from your favorite place.
2. Slip into something sexy @ home
3. Enjoy dessert in bed!!!

Food makes people tired and lazy. If you are looking to make love afterwards, I would make it a very light salad. Then eat like pigs afterwards. I would order in pizza, and never get out of bed except to get the 'za.


Funny question... I find the most sucessful ingredient in a romantic dinner is that I not be a wreck to get it made! My man LOVES "pork medallions" He thinks it sounds complicated but it isnt...purchase a pork tenderloin (looks ugly in the store) and season it with salt, pepper and a bit of garlic. Put it in an oven pan, cover with foil and set the oven to 275 and forget it for and hour or so. Pork will still be pinkish but that is OK. Use the drippings to make a glaze - similar to gravy, but use tapioca to thicken instead of flour. Set the meat aside and rough mashed potatoes (mash by hand or with mixer to leave chunks). Add sour cream instead of milk and sharp cheddar cheese with green onion and some fresh bacon stirred in (dont stir too well to get the extra flavor in whole bites) and a bright green steamed veggie like brocolli or asparagas. When everything is ready, slice the meat and drip the glaze down the center of the meat slices. Add some Shepherds bread that comes in a whole round - there is something sexy about tearing and sharing bread. Put some rosemary in extra light virgin olive oil to dip the bread in... It is a beautiful plate that will fill him up but leave you with limited dishes and create little stress so you can enjoy the rest of the night!

take out, candles, and wine

I assume that when you ask for recipes, you want to COOK, and when you ask for easy, you want EASY, and when you ask fo romantic, you want ROMANTIC. Tough to combine all these qualities, which is probably why you asked the question. Perhaps you could start with a glass of champagne with a few pieces of berries in the glasses. For an entree, you might splurge on beef tenderloin filets. Easy to make (broil), very sensual texture and taste. Not too filling because you use a small portion. Serve it with some steamed asparagus (has aphrodisiac qualities). Finish with strawberries dipped in chocolate (also with supposed aphrodisiac qualities)

Steak on the grill, salad from a bag, and hot rolls. Strawberries and whipped cream for dessert.

1. french onion soup topped with croutons
2. iceberg lettuce salad with vegetables and salad dressing of your choice topped with croutons
3. shrimp or chicken scampi over pasta or white rice
4. steamed asparagus with hollandaise sauce or topped with parmesan cheese then microwaved for 20 to 30 seconds or broccoli with cheese sauce
5. sauteed mushrooms
6. rolls
7. tiramusu or key lime pie
8. white wine, red wine, beer if that is what he/she likes, coke, diet coke, and especially ice tea. coffee optional!

steak shrimp

seriously, are you trying to show off your cooking skills? if not, order in!!

mood music, low lighting, candles.... anything else is irrelevant!

when my kids were babies, we didn't have a babysitter, so after bedtime my husband and I would order chinese delivery, set a blanket on the floor in front of a fire, turn off all the other lights...... those are some of our favorite romantic date night memories!!

The food is secondary for a romantic dinner.
The atmosphere is what makes for romance.
Candlelight, wine and roses, fine chocolates, strawberries and heavy cream...
Use your imagination,
Just remember, that for wine to "work" with the food, it should be the same color as the main dish. (red wine with red meats, white wine with fish and chicken, etc...)

My favorite wine is WILDVINES Blackberry Merlot, but for the below suggestions I would use a Zin.

If you were to go with a fish, I suggest Talapia, with garlic and herb potatoes, asparagus (or some such vegetable) and a green salad with a strawberry vinagrette. (one of my absolute favorite dishes)

Ask him(?) what his favorite foods are, and go from there. I wanted to razzle dazzle a guy w a fancy dinner once. His favorite was meatloaf and spinach swimming in butter. Go figure. For the most part, imo, men are meat and potato kinda guys... i.e. steak, potato, salad, dessert, drinks, bread -- is plenty. Light candles, play music, dress nicely.

Grilled steak, baked potatos, and for desert-strawberries and champagne of course.

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