Do you put ketchup on eggs?!


Do you put ketchup on eggs?

When I was a kid yes but not anymore. <*-*>

Nope, but I put black pepper on them.


ugh, no...


yes i do its good i put ketchup on alot of things its a hambit of mine

Only on scrambled eggs - not on any other

It actually tastes really good. It tastes best on boiled or scrambled eggs.

On scrambled, but sometimes I just do salt. =)


no, but I do regularly put on hot sauce.

No but my dad did.

mm.. yum. only on scrambled eggs though. or fried. and they have to be plain because i wouldn't be able to taste anything with them anyway. i like LOTS of ketchup on them. unless i'm eating them with toast and then they can only have salt. well..

it depends on what else i'm eating with the eggs.

if that flouts your bout

i did when i was little on scrabbled eggs ;now i use salsa or tabasco sauce.

ketchup and hotsauce

eew no

Yes, and some people also put hot sauce on them.

No..I am allergic to Ketchup... I usually put cheese and Chalula (hot sauce) on my eggs...Sometimes I like to mix Mayonaise in them!

Sometimes - it depends on what mood I'm in! I love eggs & have had them with many things - salt & pepper, ketchup, cheese, honey mustard, ranch dressing, gravy & my favorite - strawberry jelly!!

When they're scrambled, always! ...which my father has never let me forget he believes to be absolutely barbaric.

Yes I do and it is very good.

When I scramble my eggs I add a dash of mustard, and then after they are cooked I add ketchup!

i actually do but not when it's hard-boiled. I grew up doing it.

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