Is it possible to drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour and not puke?!


Is it possible to drink a gallon of milk in 1 hour and not puke?

Yes and No! It all depends on your , let's say, intestinal fortitude. I have personally seen someone accomplish it, and have seen someone fail miserably. The whole science behind it is that once you drink it the acids in your stomach start to kick in and will curdle the milk. One gallon of bad milk, yuck! But, this is not to say that someone couldn't hold done the urge to .... well you get the idea.

I agree

try it and find out

I am sure that it CAN be done, but your question should have been WHY would you do it...

Being lactose intolerant , the idea sickens me.However, I've drank more than a gallon of beer within an hour to no ill effect(save my liver).So I don't see why not.

yes, that would be possible for some people (not most) but it would be stupid and bad for you in general. we don't actually need milk. there are plenty of better sources for our calcium, but since the us government is pushing the milk agenda the general public will never hear that truth.

This is a subject in which I have much expertise. So odd that our names are the same, too.

To answer your question: No, it is not possible to drink a gallon of milk in an hour without puking. It IS possible (barely) to drink a gallon BEFORE puking. You're definitely going to puke, but it is possible to get the whole gallon down before doing so.

Here's the best technique: Firstly, do NOT take the full hour to drink the milk. The milk solids curdle in your stomach (essentially making cottage cheese), and then your body brings in additional water to help digest the stuff. This means that after you begin drinking the milk, your stomach will get slowly fuller on its own accord. The colder that the milk is when you drink it, the more you will be able to drink. Very cold milk helps numb the nerves in the stomach and will make you less nauseous.

Depending on how much milk you can handle at the onset (Which can only be determined through experience...messy, puke-ridden experience), try do down 75-85% of the gallon in the first six or seven minutes. The faster you do this, the better off you will be, although you'll psyche yourself out and get queasy if you rush it too much.

The next ten minutes are vital, and if you don't finish the gallon off in this time, you're done for. Standing up helps, and keeping your head tilted back a little can help with the nausea. Drink the milk in fast, short pulls, and don't keep it in your mouth any longer than you have to.

Technically, you have completed the task once you get the last bit of milk into your mouth--apparently, it's not necessary to swallow the last mouthful, according to the "official" rules. Repeated trying no less often than once a week will help improve how much milk you can handle, and will also lessen the effect of the nausea on subsequent attempts. Good luck!

Who does that...

Sure, I have watched my son do it straight out of the jug,more than once! maybe he knew once those lips touched the jug he had better finish it and not stick it back in the fridge!

I have an answer for you:

Go to the store buy yourself a Gallon a Milk and grab a cup and start drinking it all up!!!

Tell me how it goes!!!

Thanks for the 2-points!!!

Yes. You can also eat a whole box of graham crackers with it. Ask me, I know.

Yes. Why would you want to though?

Do it and see. Then go out and get yourself a life.

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