Slumber party?!


Slumber party?

i need help planning a slumber party with me and my 1 best friends. like wat do we do?? i dont want it 2 b a normal slummber party

or if u have ideas i would have a classic slumber partay


Additional Details

1 week ago
its me and 2 of my best friends katie and lexi

1 week ago
we're 13 yrs old

1 week ago
its me and 2 of my best friends katie and lexi

1 week ago
we're 13 yrs old

truth or dare
order pizza
make a huge sundae
prank phone calls
order pay per vies
pillow fights if you want a classic slumber party
play video games or board games they're real cool
most of all spy
you know like see what other people are doing secretly
popcorn balls

Make out session. Alllll night.

You could always...
paint nails and stuff

Depends on age and interests. Put a bit of thought into it and find something that will appeal to all your friends.

pick a theme and think of decorations, activities, games, food, etc to go with that theme. example: theme: fashion and style. Decorations: flashy bold colors, pretty scarves, fun lights. Games/activities: using toilet paper, make the newest most fashionable new dress by wrapping it in different ways around eachother, Give eachother manicures, see who can do full makeup the fastest and the best. Food: candy necklaces and lipstick, a cake that looks like a hand with fingernails painted.

Things like that. that's just to give you an idea of what you can do with a theme. have fun!

Try prank phone calls.

order pizza watch some good movies

Ask people to set up their sleeping bags as soon as they get to your house.
*Announce that no one can sleep on sofas or beds. It causes fighting sometimes.
*Stay outside until it gets dark and get as much fresh air as you can before you're crammed in a room with a bunch of other people for the whole night.
*Play outdoor games or organize a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood before dinner.
*Rent a movie and make lots of popcorn beforehand. *Set up a "concession stand" in the room where you're watching the movie and give every guest a plate to load up with popcorn, candy, and other treats.
*Avoid Truth or Dare, especially when some of the guests are very hyper. Truth can make people embarrassed about the questions being asked, and Dare can get out of hand.
*If you have a younger sister or brother who might try to bug your guests or wreck your party, ask your mom or dad if they can find something special for your siblings to do during your party. Maybe they can go on a camping trip with one of your parents, or to dinner and a movie. Your brother or sister might want to have a friend spend the night so they don't feel so left out. Just make sure that it's not a friend who would want to bug you and your guests, too!
*Set out a few board games so the ones who don't fall asleep right away can quietly keep themselves busy.
*Get something special for breakfast or easy.
Donuts, bagels & cream cheese, fruit with whip cream and dip, individual juices.

Things You Will Need For the Party:
Food and snacks
*buy snacks such as: pretzels, chips, cheese curls, etc.

*get soda, maybe ice tea mix..lemonade...


Scavenger hunts
Let's Make a Deal:
You will need three boxes. Prizes of varying quality-really cool, ok and a booby prize. Each child has a chance to play so make sure you have enough "really cool" prizes to go around. Place one prize of each type under the boxes without anyone seeing. The contestant chooses a box and the prize is revealed. The contestant can then keep that prize or be given the choice to choose another. Offer incentives, like other prizes-candy, money etc. to see if they will keep the first chosen. They may keep either the first prize and incentives or choose the other box. This is their final choice.
Need rolls of toilet paper, one per person. You can form teams to see who is the fastest dressing their mummy (other person) or just let them have fun. This can be very messy with the dust from the toilet paper and the paper fight afterwards.
Picky Marshmallow Relay:
Need toothpicks, one per child and one marshmallow per team. The marshmallow is placed on the end of the first persons toothpick. They hold the toothpick in their mouth and try to pass it to the next person in line using only the toothpicks in their mouths.
Clothes Pin 7-Ups:
7 clothes pins per person. Clip clothes pins on the backs of all players and have them face each other in a circle (outside). At the mention of "GO" they each run around trying to get the clothes pins off each others backs. No grabbing and holding on to the other persons.
Talent Show or Video the kids performing to music. Lip sync is fun or air guitar/sax etc.
Nighttime Easter Egg Hunt: Hide eggs and prizes outside. Everyone brings a flashlight to the party. Hide items like fingernail polish, body mists, not just candy.
Piggly-Wiggly: Everyone lays out their sleeping bags. Choose someone to be "it." They must leave the room. Everyone else hides inside the sleeping bags (not their own). When they are ready, "it" comes back in. She sits on one of the sleeping bags and says, "Piggly-Wiggly" the person inside says "oink, oink." 'It' must guess who is inside the bag. If they are right, the person in the bag is it.
Rock and Roll: When your having a slumber party and going to a roller-skating rink is out of the question, make a skating rink in the garage. Have your parents back out their cars and take out other stuff in the way so you have room to skate. You can also have music and a snack bar!
Sweet dreams- Use frosting to decorate a graham cracker so it looks like your sleeping bag with you in it!
Hip hats- Decorate denim hats with jewels and sparkle puff paints and wear them around the next day.
Puffy pillows- Decorate plain white pillowcases with puffy paint. Let them dry overnight.
Popcorn Toppin'-Pop some plain popcorn. Give everybody a couple of dishes with popcorn in them. Have your guests put on all the toppings you want.
*cinnamon and sugar
*melted butter, pizza seasoning, and parmesan cheese to make a pizza kind o'popcorn.
Curly-Cute- Make rag curls in your friends' hair. Take pieces of fabric and wrap hair around them. When you wake up you hair will be all curly.
We Had A Ball- At the end of the slumber party, sit in a circle and sign beach balls with a waterproof marker. Write all about the good times you had together at the sleepover.
Brush up- Have guests try all sorts of toothpaste and vote on which one they like best.
Get out CD's and tapes, for people to listen too
Pick out some movies
Play some sleepover games such as: red rover, piggly-wiggly, rugrats(not the show), poker ( with candy!), and maybe some board games
Buy tee-shirt paint and have your guests bring tee-shirts and paint them so you can wear them the next morning!
Have a pajamas contest! See who has the best pajamas!
Pillow fights (a little rough, though)
Make smores!!!!!!!!!!
Serve whipped cream and fruit on waffles in the morning
See if you can borrow a kareoke machine so you can sing along to music
Do makeovers!
Make rice krispie treats
Make your own sundae!
Popcorn fights, if you have a vacuum handy
Think of unusual places to sleep: the attic, a tree house, a tent outside in your back yard
Use sidewalk chalk so your friends can draw stuff
Burglar Alarm-set a little timer and have everyone go out of the room. One person stays in and hides the timer. Then the other children come back in and try to find the timer before it goes off. Whoever finds it might get some kind of prize.
Set up a craft table to make bracelets.
Decorate pillowcases with fabric markers...this way they can use them that night. Put on date, etc
For breakfast, serve muffins and donuts, fruit and dip (cool whip works great!) Serve Orange juice or apple juice in plastic champagne glasses.~ Holly & Hannah
Light-as-a-feather, Stiff-as-a-board. This is one of the funniest games to play and goes in this way:
6 people play. They pick a "center" to lay on the floor face up and each of the other 5 gather around them.
Two people take mid-calf, one on each side, Two people take mid back/chest, one on each side, and one person sits behind the head. Each person extends the first two fingers on each hand and slips them underneath the center. All close their eyes. They start to chant "Light as a feather, Stiff as a board. Light as a feather, Stiff as a board. Light as a feather, Stiff as a board" over and over while trying to lift the center person, without losing their concentration. Usually this works! *grins* But don't distract the center or else the balance will be lost and they may get dropped.
Shaving cream fight out side.
Invite a bunch of friends over and have a list made up of different company slogans around your town, put them in a different order on each sheet so your not all at the same stop. Split your friends into groups and give one list to each group, then have them go around town find in the places that match the slogans and have each group take a picture at each stop. additional extras: Sometimes after doing the stops try a chinese firedrill, like stop at a rest stop and run around the car three times.

Have a pamper party, Do your nails, feet, makeup, watch chick flicks all night! Have a lot of your favorite foods!

paint nails, do makeovers, play truth or dare, talk about boys if you like any and so on!

i always have sleepovers with my 2 best freinds. we do makeovers nails.eyes.face.etc. we call people..and prank take the RANDOMEST pictures...and we run around my front lawn and want to make memories with your freinds so make it fun.

Watch Titanic.

gossip thats what i do when i have a slumber party with my friends or play a fun board game. hope this helps :)

i would probally go to the movies and go out to eat with just the 3 of you maybe invite some guys or something and if you have a pool then go swimming later or on and stay up late watching horror films,haha.
hope you have a great time!

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