What is you biggest complaint when you attend a wedding?!


What is you biggest complaint when you attend a wedding?

I'm planning a wedding. I want my guest to have a great time. What is the one thing you hate about weddings?

Well, I can think of quite a few things, but here are the main ones to watch out for, and I think most people would agree:

1. Nobody likes to wait around for the bride and groom, so do your pictures before everyone arrives for the ceremony. Once that's over, everyone wants to eat, drink, and dance.

2. An uptight bride and groom. You're going to be exhausted from getting your hair done, getting ready, getting pictures, etc. Nobody but you cares if your flowers were just the right shade or fully blossomed, or whatever nonsense. If you're uptight about that kind of thing, you will ruin it for your guests and especially for your wedding party.

3. Not being acknowledged by the bride and groom. Do what you can to make sure everyone knows how much it means to you that they came to share your special day. Many people will probably have to go to quite a bit of expense and planning to be there for you, so make sure you acknowledge them, and their gifts. Have cool favors, great food, a reception line, plenty of dances with the bride and groom, and remember your thank you cards (I blew this and regret it).

Remember that this should be the HAPPIEST day of your life. Don't get bogged down in the stressful pursuit of perfection. Let your wedding day set the tone for a wonderful, fulfilled, grateful, relaxed, and happy life together. That spirit will affect your guests in the nicest and most memorable ways!

not enough free food
not enough free drinks
not enough girls to dance with ( not old ones either)
only one dance with the bride.
not enough free stuff
really.. food, drink... keeps them happy....
good music...too...


good luck

Sometimes having to listen to religous sermon / nonsense.

Having to wear a suit.

The fact that it's hard for little tikes to sit still and be quiet all that time, and the mean looks people give their parents. Some parents are in a fix for a sitter, so they must bring them, some parents (like me) just want their kids with them, and some parents will simply pass on the wedding because of no sitter or not wanting to get "the look." When my best friend got married, she specifically indicated on her invitations "babysitting services provided" and while she got hitched, in stead of being in her wedding, I kept kids at my house for the duration of the festivities. That way the parents could go and the kids were happy too.

When the bride and groom get drunk, really if there are any drunk attendees. I didn't serve alcohol at mine.

Honestly the wedding..Sorry not trying to be mean, or rude, just that this is my opinion and that only..The shorter the better on the wedding..I hate sitting or standing for an hour for a wedding or funeral..lol.I understand that this is your day and that you want it to be so perfect, but c'mon not many will remember all the wedding details..they will rather remember what fun the reception was..:)

I hate the intermission between the ceremony and the reception (when the bride, groom, and wedding party go for photos). There's usually no music, no food, and a bunch of guests standing around for an hour. Get the bar going and send around appetizers...

I hate the formal sit down dinner, and usually the food is aweful (there's little choice, it tastes bad, and there is NEVER enough of it!). When my husband and I got married, we had one of our favorite local mexican food restaurants cater, and it was AMAZING. To this day (2 years later) I have people telling me how great the food at my wedding was and how refreshing it was that we didn't have the same old thing as everyone else.

I agree it's a total ADULT event. But my main complaint is the length. Waiting for everyone to get there, set up, take pictures, number of marches....too long! It's an entire day thing....and having to be dressed up ALL day....YUCK!

Being a vegetarian, I am forced to eat salads. My one complaint is that there is not a meatless, or vegetarian, meal offered.

Have the return invites indicate if the person would prefer a meatless (vegetarian) main course. And, sit those vegetarians in one specific table or area so as to make certain there is no mix-up...

#1) Overcooked food, especially shrimp and chicken breast.

#2) The princess brides who think its ALL about them. It is about the bride AND the groom. Let him shine a little too.

#3) Obvious ostentatiousness. It is just a party. Spending too much just to impress people is a ridiculous waste of money. Have a good time!

I wish you a great wedding and marriage.

the speeches.....very uncomfortable

After planning weddings for all of my friends and thier siblings, here's my advice.

Keep it simple. Spending all the extra money and time on things that no one will remember is a waste! If you can afford a champagne wedding, go for it. If you're on a beer budget, then simple is better than trying to fake it!

Make sure there's someone to get you (and your bride maids) food while you're getting your hair/make up done. You'll be so busy running around getting everything done and preparing for your wedding that you sometimes forget to eat! Give someone this assignment! Have snacks in the room where you and your girls are getting dressed.

Someone mentioned hating the wait between the wedding and the reception. One suggestion is to have your pictures before the wedding.

Having a good planner who can take care of the details and let you just enjoy your day is a great help.

Long ceremonies and sit-down dinners.

My biggest complaint used to be about the wedding menu. I have food allergies and I have gone hungry at too many weddings because no alternative foods were available. So if possible, arrange some flexibility for dietary concerns. However, my new biggest complaint is the newlyweds who don't mingle with their guests. In recent years I have attended three weddings knowing only either the bride or the groom and have never met the new spouses. If you don't have a receiving line, make sure you visit each table at the reception (and doing both would be best).

I hate when a wedding starts late. I understand that there is a lot going on, but I have been to family weddings that were 40-60 minutes late starting.

Being at a table with people I don't know, who aren't very chatty. I've been invited to weddings where I am VERY happy for my friends to be wed, but dread the thought of not knowing anyone. Maybe seat people who are shy with people who are outgoing. And people who like to stay to themselves with people who are also with friends..so no one feels left out.

Taking too long for dinner too start. Dumb and boring speeches. The best wedding I attended was filled with laughs, food, booze, and it didn't cost the couple an arm and a leg.

When it don't starts on time or the bride is late.

The fact that your uncomfortable the whole time because of the mandatory formal attire!

I have been to 45 weddings in 12 years.

****Sun Umbrellas was not enought to put in proper places. I ended up sunburn!!! I have to go the bar and ask for sun block....

**** Friends should be seated in designated areas ,other ended to be mix at reception

It would be nicer if caterer or servers or the concierge can tell us the food ingredient because I am allergic to certain food.

im assuming youre talking about the reception. make sure you have great food and a great band. music and food are the main things people complain about. and they are the two things people will remember. have a great viennese hour with lots of desserts!

Do not invite any relatives that might show up just to hit on their cousins.

You can go a little wrong with food, selection of songs, color co-ordination but never, ever pay little attention to sitting arrangement.

Here's my story. Back in May, we went to my husband-to-be best friend's wedding. We were told we'll be seated with the bride & groom and their family. Fine. On that wedding day, after the ceremony ended, we walked into the banquet room.

It seems like everyone knew where to sit but not us. My husband-to-be approach his best friend's family, they didn't know the plan was for us to sit with them and that's not all, they weren't sure where we can be seated either.

We walked to 2 tables asking if we can sit with them, (its not filled by the way), they said, its taken. Frustrated, we sat at the table near the door, 5 minutes later, one of the bridesmaid asked, "are you family?" Duh, if we're family, we would have been introduced!! Then, she continued, "this is for family only.." By that time, I was so ANGRY and upset. I told her, "the groom told us to sit with him, we have not idea where that is, now we asked if we can sit at the other 2 tables, is wasn't empty and now you're saying this is for family.." I continued, "how can you say its for family, when we came all the way here, all we got was being push from table to table.." The bride's mother came to apologise, I said, "its ok, we're done." We left just a few minutes after the bride and groom walked in.

Can you imagine how embarrasing that is? My wedding is coming up in Dec, i'll make sure my seating arrangement is done to the T.

Speeches should be kept short and sweet. They run too long and half the time you cannot hear what is being said. A lot less talking and a lot more dancing!!!! I am all for a dj over a band. Atleast you know what to expect for the music and you do not have to hear any cover music.

definately laim music and not enough chairs!!!!

UNATTENDED KIDS!!! I went to one outdoor wedding they had a" jumper" Great Idea!! another had a corner of the hall for the kids, movies, games coloring books etc.. people would take turns supervising making sure they didn't get into trouble.

cash bars

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