What do you do when the state govner takes soda away from your school?!


What do you do when the state govner takes soda away from your school?

im addicted to soda and i cant have it a home

You thank him! He has your health in mind. It doesn't benefit him financially or otherwise to do it, so it's not like someone can say he's doing it so he can get paid off.

Not that we don't all like to enjoy a soda now and then but seriously - they should require the same warnings as cigarettes.

Quoting from the website I provide below:

One can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, and is loaded with artificial food colors and sulphites. I can't think of any good reason to ever have it. The diet varieties are also problematic as they are filled with harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

Studies have linked soda to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart disease, yet the average American drinks an estimated 56 gallons of soft drinks each year. Plus, drinking all that sugar will likely suppress your appetite for healthy foods, which pave the way for nutrient deficiencies.

Soft drink consumption among children has almost doubled in the United States over the last decade, which is not surprising considering that most school hallways are lined with soda-filled vending machines.

Schools often make marketing deals with leading soft drink companies such as Coca-Cola from which they receive commissions--based on a percentage of sales at each school--and sometimes a lump-sum payment, in exchange for their students' health. School vending machines can increase the consumption of sweetened beverages by up to 50 or more cans of soda per student per year.

If you routinely drink soda--regular or diet--eliminating it from your diet is one of the simplest and most profound health improvements you can make.


sneak it in your school bag?

you come up with some really good reasons why you and your school would want soda again and then go to the principal and complain until he or she says yes

You get over it. Children do not need soda and it is actually bad for them. Find something else to drink and stop thinking about it. Eventually you'll outgrow this need if you refuse to feed it. : )

Drink coffee

You deal with it. Sometimes in life we can't change things or things do change and we just have to live with it.

That's right. You thank him. Sodas in school is a really bad idea and unfortunately the schools have become slaves to the beverage industry to raise more money. Very sad I think. Our local high school is currently locked into a 7 year (I think) contract. Another cradle to grave strategy at the expense of your health.

I know you don't want to hear this -- but the reason sodas are being taken out of schools is because they are nothing more than empty calories. I have no clue who you are so there is no way I could be saying that you are fat; however, the governors across America have been tasked with fighting the national obesity epidemic and getting rid of stuff that has no nutritional value is a good place to start. Maybe you could learn to like fruit juices or some of the other substitutes they are offering?

It's one way to learn to deal with the changes you are stuck with.

Connecticut, Illinois, and California have placed various restrictions on soda-sales at public schools... about time !!

Seems to me that the State, AND your parents have the right idea !! You don't state your grade/age... but either way, your a minor. DEAL WITH IT...

When I went to school there was milk, juice and water. In High school, you could buy soda across the street.

Back then, there was RARELY an "fat" kid in school, and by high school, puberty had taken care of that. Now, California states that 26 % of students are obeses... ONE IN FOUR !!

Accept it. It is not good for your children. They should be drinking, water, milk & fruit juices. Someone is trying to do something right in your schools.

drink water

Cry...cause it's going to end up happening in all states. Big Brother LOVES us aren't we lucky?

first, you learn how to spell "governor" and stop worrying about the stupid soda. your education is way more important than soda. if you are addicted to soda, then you really need help. try drinking water or 100% fruit juice. or if you HAVE to have soda, go to the store and buy one and drink it...

drink water.

Just sleep in class.

You must be in Oregon.... you don't need sugar and cafeine when your learning, it will disturb your absorbtion of knowledge

Appreciate the fact the someone is finally showing they care about the children in the USA. I applaud them. I have no idea how sodas got into the school system to begin with, but it was a very BAD idea. Instead of resenting the fact and thinking only negative about something being taken from you, stop and think positive about what a good thing this is for the kids in schools across the USA. There's nothing in a soda that benefits you and lots of stuff that is not good for you. There is no drink better for you or that has fewer calories than water. Drink it and let your body love you for taking better care of it! It's about time the government steps and and says 'No more!'

Also, why are you not allowed to drink sodas at home? Is it because your parents already realize that it's not a good thing for your health? If the adults in your life are trying to protect your health, it's time for you to grow up and join them in the effort!

be lucky you had it in the first place. When i went to school we didn't even get choc milk, always white. you kids are just so spoiled these days.

thank them for helping to stop you having rotton teeth, spotty skin and being overweight!!!

Good for your state's governor for taking the soda away.

Drink water.

I'm a school teacher and cheer the absence of soda in schools!

Praise the governor and send bottled water in my kids lunch pail and back pack!!! its what I do now!

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