Can you clear an argument?!


Can you clear an argument?

I am on a healthy diet and weight loss plan, my own ideas only, i have made a soup which has courgettes peppers onion celery and garlic in it and a low salt stock cube, my friend argues that all soup even when made with veg is fattening, i disagree or is she right in what she says.

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1 week ago
i dont think i could live on only soup huny. i do have stirfry with no oil and fish crabstix or chicken added.

1 week ago
i dont think i could live on only soup huny. i do have stirfry with no oil and fish crabstix or chicken added.

A soup is only as fattening as what,s put into it.

you friend is stupid. that sounds like a healthy soup. the only thing that could fatten is it anything you add apart from veg.

veg has no fat (very low fat in some veg)

as far as your eating plan goes, i hope your arent just eating soup?? you will need protein from somewhere and also a small amount of healthy fats.

It rubbish!

If you put no fat in to begin with, where does the fat come from?

Heat some water, add a carrot, now call it soup. Is it fattening?

if you add pulses to soup (i.e. lentils) then it will contain more calories...otherwise no!

The hidden menace in most soup is salt not fat. That said a lot of soups contain cream and are fattening. Yours won't be.

very very low calorie count

your correct, shes wrong

It depends what your friend means by "fattening". Most things have calories in but a thin vegetable soup is not considered fattening and on some diets is described as a "free food". From the ingredients you list, I would say you are correct!

Your friend is insane. There is no fat in vegetables, so unless you are adding butter or cream to the soups, it is no more fattening than eating the vegetables raw, boiled, steamed or roasted.

Nah she is wrong.. any food which is healthy is good for you and especially if youy choose it it is even better. So stick to your diet and your guns and watch the weight fall of. If there was that much in the first

Your friend is clueless!!!

Vegetable soup, especially the one you describe is NOT fattening!!!

Sometimes you may even burn more calories digesting a soup like that than you actually take in via the soup.
Making it a zero calorie food.

Soups thickened with cream are fattening.

A soup that has no saturated fat in it, cannot be fattening. Saturated fat is solid at room temperature and includes butter, margarine, lard etc.
The soup you have made will not be fattening and will go towards your 5 a day.

As long as it isn't "cream of" soups, or heavily fried with added oil beforehand, it shouldn't be fattening. Clear soups are less calorific than thickened soups.

The "fattening" in soups comes from the fats from meats or from high fat milk(creamed soups).

veg is healthy and liquid is water so not much fat there if you make your own its best as you never know what they put in the tin stuff

No it is not fattening if that is all you are adding and good luck with the weight loss.

I think you are OK and she is wrong.What can be fattening in soup if the ingredients are of a non fattening nature. The act of boiling or heating will not make any difference to the potential fattening aspect of any food.

That sounds healthy to me,

i think she is talking rubbish. although anything eaten to excess can be fattening, you would need to eat a heck of a lot of this soup and you'd probably explode before you could put on weight. the only thing you might need to check is the fat content of your stock cube as they can be quite high. make your ownvegetable stock by boiling veg trimmings in water and add herbs or spices then you will have no salt or fat

Ask your friend where exaclty is the fat? I've done weight watcher and a soup as you've descibed would be considered free ie not many calories and no fats. Maybe your friend is thinking about a rich creamy soup which would contain fat as it contains cream!

Your friend doesn't know what she is talking about, if you don't use cream and butter you will loose weight. good luck and don't take any notice of her probably jealous that you are doing something positive.

The only way I can see to "solve" this is to look up the calories for each veggie used. Compare that to canned soups that are low in calories -- I believe Progresso and Campbells soups have low calorie soups.

Not to get off the subject, but just give you more info. My sister's friend was pregnant and she didn't want to gain a lot of weight (over and above the normal amount) -- so she decided to eat a lot of fruit!! She couldn't believe all the weight she had gained because of it!!! She had figured that fruit wasn't fattening!! She asked her Doctor about it and he said that fruit contains fructose -- a natural fruit sugar and, yes, it can be fattening!!

So, you may have to do a bit of research to see the calorie content and possible sugar content of your ingredients!!!

P.S. Celery has zero calories, but, contains a lot of water, so watch out for water retention -- that could add to added weight, not to mention "swelling" or bloating!!

I suggest your friend look up the nutritional values of these ingredients on the Net. They're all Fat free. SO Low in calories it's not worth mentioning... so NOT fattening at all.

She sounds like she's trying to undermine your efforts by giving you bad information. What does she eat/live on? Air and water?

Good effort on your part.

Everything is 'fattening'. Moderation is the key. It depends on her definition of fattening, fattening to me equals putting on weight, if you ate it without moderation through-out the day naturally you could put on weight, so to me, it is fattening, but the dish alone isn't fattening.

You're eating around 70 calories in that dish dependant on portions.

I just hope you're eating a proper 500+ calorie meal combined with a 200 calorie breakfast, even then you're -starving- yourself and eventually weight won't be lost as your body will realise that food is apparently scare and horde it all.

Even if you're have unactive lifestyle, you still need to be taking in around 1000-1200 calories a day.

you are correct

She is dumb

I cant see how vegetable soup in broth being fattening. Cream soups would have fat though.

Gawd no, your soup isn't fattening. There are even "cream" soups that are low fat. I bet your friend is one of those people who never eats bread either. Good luck with the diet.

If you'[re not using meat or any fat, how can it be fattening? Reat the label on the low salt stock cubes, some of them do contain some fat.

I totally agree with you your friend doesn't know what she's talking about

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