How will you be spending thanksgiving this year.??!


How will you be spending thanksgiving this year.??

after i cook i want to go feed the homless.

God bless you!

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.K- What do you guys do on the day?

dinner with the family as normal, and then on the Sunday that follows, my college swim team is getting together and each person is bringing a container of leftovers back to school with them and we are having a team thanksgiving

As always Mooching off my folks! LOL naw really we have a great time, pot luck with my sister and her family.

After reading just the title of this ? I was going to respond..By stuffing my face. then I opened it, read your details and felt like a selfish loser! Thanks for the smack in the head.

my mother and some resterant employies

My family is going to Ohio to spend the holiday with my sister-in-law's family.And good for you.Check with local churchs and they will tell you where you can help.This is our Christmas tradition in my family.I did with my family when I was little now my son is going with me each Christmas.

That's a wonderful thing to do!!!! You'll feel extreamly rewarded by the many thanks you'll receive. God Bless you!!!!

My mother and mother in law are flying in for the holiday. Mom in law staying for a few days, my mom for 2 weeks. Rutro!!! My son who is a marine stationed in North Carolina returned from his 2nd tour in Iraq has decided not to come home so he can use that time to get out of the marine corps earlier. Our two girls will be here tho. One still lives at home, and the other moved out this year.

We're doing the 3 F's. Family, Food, and Football.........

I will spend it alone.... until my husband comes home from spending time with his family.

This is not a bad thing !!! I enjoy being home alone rather than going to his family. I come from a small family of two and his family has 8 brothers and sisters and they all have numerous kids( oooh what a headache!!) Noisy little bastards and the kids are annoying too... HA HA HA !

Life is good in my quiet little part of the world !

we have 3 different things we do.....i make my dinner the night before or the day after everyone else so we can have just our family and because i LOVE to cook thanksgiving dinner!!!
Then we will spend the morning with my in-laws at their house and eat really good food cause my mother-in-law is the best cook ever. Then in the afternoon when we are dead tired and completely full we go over to my mom's house and watch football with my family. It is an exhausting day not only because of all the food we eat but because of all the running around we end up doing!!! But it is so much fun!!!!

Hopefully feeding my large family and friends. I have 15 just kids and grands. Then we'll probably play some cards.(They get mad when I win). Then eat again...Enjoy your time with the homeless, feel blessed ---you will be soon,

I hope work will be done, so i've enough time to fly back to california for thanksgiving. My first thanksgiving with my hubby-to-be and his family, looking forward to that.

Good idea, i've did other charity work but never feed the homeless on thanksgiving, i should do that! :) Thx!

I was invited to my b/f's sister's house for a big dinner followed by a short trip to see Stephen King's house for the first time. I was promised the next time I gt to Bangor, I would be taken to see his big home. Of course I will bring some food cause that is the way I am, and I will also help with the cleaning. Feeding the homeless sounds very nice, comforting, and pleasing. Kudos to you for doing that. Since you put that idea into my head, I think I will ask the sister if there is a shelter in her area that I might be able to help out. Helping people is something I really enjoy doing. Thanks for the idea and have a great Thanksgiving.

I will be going "home" for the holiday. I live in north Arkansas, but I'm from mid Louisiana. Thanksgiving is the only time I go back! It is neat to see all of my family and see how much each of our children have grown in a year. Because we only go once a year everybody looks forward to it. EVEN my husband!!!

I will travel about one hour away to my older sister's house. The meal will be very well prepared.
I will probably be late, (due to he horrible holiday traffic) bring the wrong contribution to the meal - whole cranberries instead of jellied, or rhubarb pie instead of apple - but it will be family and warm, funny, and normal.

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