Six people around your Dinner table?!


Six people around your Dinner table?

Who would you invite and why.. pick six people.. then tell me if you like what would you cook for them?

1. Either Elizabeth David or Jane Grigson the prose they both wrote about food was so brilliant entertaining and factually illuminating - the conversation round the table would be inevitably be a buzz.
2. Either Ainsley Harriott - infectious lovable life and soul of the party and the BEST Kitchen assistant ever or Anthony Worral Thompson - nasal drawl and sardonic know it all - who does actually know a bit about food - and would keep chipping in to help the conversation flow
3. Jilly Goulden - we need Wine to go with the food and Jilly could be put in charge of the perfect wine for each course PLUS I want to know if she saves up all those decriptive terms for the shows or whether she can talk like that all night long
4. Keith Floyd - drunk - or sober (the first 5 minutes - he can help with the cooking or the drinking - and would be the evenings cabaret act for the rest of us
5. Me I want the food I want the people I want the evening
6. You - it was your idea YOU must get the chance to enjoy - but you said 6 -

raise to 8 and we'll have both from option 1 and both from option 2.

Make it 10 and we'll let Anhtony bring Linda Barker - as long as she does no advertising - she looks so sweet yet purports a more mischievous side - Which is the real Linda AND you can bring the Male guest if your choice - we do have to keep the sexes balanced and I am not choosing any more men.

Now what would I cook - have you seen who I have invited, whilst Jilly is ferrying drinks to our table, You and I would be having appetizers on the verandah - watching the sun set - while the others cook

Cheese and Artichoke Souffle or Gratin of Crab Bermuda
Sea Bass Polynesian Style or Minestrone Soup Avant Garde
Roast Tarragon Partridge with Pears poached in Red Wine
Roast Smithfield ham with Cumberland sauce
Baked Alaska
Homemade Apple Pie with Vanilla and Liqueur Custard

Wines and Liqueurs from Jilly
After Dinner Coffee and Jokes from Ainsley

I can dream !

I would like six people to invite me for dinner. I'm not cooking for anyone!!!!!! The only help I can be of is in the eating process!!!!

Five Oompa Loompas and my young daughter. I only have a small dining table. And I'd make fondue because a) it rocks and b) I'm short on cutlery and plates.

My family (I have 4 sisters, my mom, and if I could I'd bring my father back)

I would ask them each what they would like for dinner, and 3 of my sisters would get something different, my mom would get something better than what she asked and my dad would get exactly what he wanted.

this is a really hard question. It's bad enough trying to decide who to invite - let alone what I would Cook for them.

God sorry I really can't decide. I have thought a long time but .......

hmmm. i would invite john and william cuz they're a laugh, bella cuz she's sweet, mary cuz she my bff, zoe and meridith cuz they is my friends. o and lily (my dog). i would go out to dinner and make will pay for it.

Anne Mc Gaffery-get some insight on her stories
Steven King-get some insight on some of his stories
Emily Post-would like to ask her alot of questions
Johnny Depp-pure eye candy
Sir Conan Doyle-ask questions about Sherlock Holmes
Monet-to get some pointers on painting

Fruit salad, homemade bread, beef wellington, baked squash with brown sugar & cinnamon, green beans & bacon, hot apple pie with vanilla icecream

I am also a chef

I would want to have dinner with Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Richie, Vince Vaughn, Wentworth Miller, Jessica Simpson, and Carlos Mencia.

HAHA. Crazy group.

I would serve my favorite foods, but I would have it catered, since I do not know how to cook. lol.

-Filet mignon sugar stick skewers marinated in mango sauce
-Baby field greens salad with teriyaki chicken, gorgonzola, and apples

and a big fat chocolate souffle with vanilla ice cream and raspberry sauce. ......amazing.....

is it possible to bring back people who are no longer here just for one night??
if so
then it would be
my daughter she would have tortellini and bolognaise sauce
husband-roast chicken dinner with all trimmings
and my 5 beautiful angels up in heaven so they could meet thier lil sister and their mummy and daddy and i would cook them what ever they wanted even if it meant cooking something different for every person, and i wouldnt moan.

Bettie Paige as she is still a beautiful lady at 80.
John Lennon so I could tell him he was overrated.
Heather Mills-McCartney so I cold tell her she is a money grabbing b1tch.
Princess Diana, so she can tell the truth how she died.
Prince Philip as he would be the entertainment with his non political correctness.
Kathy Burke just because she is a funny lady.
And me cook? It would have to be delivered pizzas.

paris hilton, nicole richie, jessica simpson, brittney spears, travis barker, and justin timberlake
i would order chinese take out! yum

hitler, saddam, bush, pol pot, fred west, ian huntley and i would feed them a **** sandwich

I like variety, so let's see...I would have to have Brad Pitt, I just simply love him (this would be a dream come true) and he's very good looking...Benjamin Bratt, I would love for him to come, I like men with pretty faces....Nelly,ooh and sexy huh? ok, let's get some women ..Halle Berry..nice and sweet person, I would love to know her....J-LO is very low key herself and seems like she would be good company....and fun. and MYSELF.........who loves to have fun and love the company of good down to earth people Yes this would be a very interesting night. I would serve a buffet style dinner...Shrimp Jambalaya/rice.....Fillet Mignon/in a wine sauce/mashed potatoes....Peppercorn Seasoned/pork/sauerkraut, garden salad....Broccoli and Carrots, they can mix or match whichever way they choose.... .....Hot rolls, and for dessert, maybe a chocolate mousse, or cake or pie or maybe jello , whatever they want. Red and white wine.. We would eat and drink good, have great conversation, laugh and just enjoy ourselves

Nicole Richie, The Olsen Twins, Keira Knightley, Terri Hatcher and Alegra Versace. I would feed them. Period!!! They would be locked in the room with me for 12 hours so they couldn't barf it all up.

The food would have to be something rich and heavenly... maybe french cuisine... YuMmO!

seven around mine - all my good friends

I'd invite David Tennant, cause he's gorgeous, Anthony Worral Thompson, Sharon Osbourne, Charles Dickens, if he was still alive, Michael Palin and Kevin Spacey, brilliant actor.
Id ask AWT to cook as I think he is a little better than me.

six isnt enough i want more

Who the hell is Nicole Richie?

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