My Little League team's Pizza Party, what more can I do ?!


My Little League team's Pizza Party, what more can I do ?

I coach a six-year old little league baseball team in Penn, and we just finished off another fun filled season. I usually throw an annual pizza party for the team to cap things off and bid our farewells, but last year we had a small problem.

Parents and siblings come to the party of course but as the host I feel obligated to provide refreshments and pizza for everybody. I have no problem ordering a couple of more pizzas, there cheap enough; but I noticed that some people where ordering off the restaurants menu because they didn't want to eat pizza. I didn't want to embarrass anyone and paid the full bill.

So I ask, is there a general meal plan I should provide for everybody. I figure pizza for the kids, and perhaps a tray of something like buffalo wings or chicken fingers too. Keep in mind we also will have unlimited soda pitchers and ice cream cake to boot.

Or am I being too nice and leave it be pizza and drinks. (so my wife says).

Additional Details

5 days ago
The party isn't held at someones home but rather a local Pizzeria.

5 days ago
The party isn't held at someones home but rather a local Pizzeria.

The Little League Team is having its Annual Post Season Pizza Party Celebration on , in honor of its successful completion of the 2007 season.

Join us for a "slice" of fun, at located at

Start with our perfect Menu for Fun:
Ice Cream Cake

noisy, excited team members
very tired coaches
Numerous admiring Family Members

Mix well; Celebrate!

RSVP number attending to :

* Please note that this is not a paid league event.
It is our team's private celebration.
Any Additions to the above party menu are "Dutch Treat".

I would have asked at BEGINNING of season if parents would be willing to do a "Dutch Treat" End-of-Season Celebration gathering. Head 'um off at the pass, partner...head 'um off at the pass! Have a sponsor for each team member, amount can include end of season party guess amount, Just a thought...

well the pizza is nice but the adults are ADULTS and have kids so for one night i think that they could eat pizza. that is the all american food everyone likes pizza. you could also have everyone come bring a dish that way you have more food that you dont have to pay for

A potluck would be cool
Or have something at your place have mini pizzas and let the kids put their own toppings on it, cheap but real fun, If the adults are coming to then maybe a BBQ

I would suggest that you pre-order your food, or have it pre-ordered and delivered. This way, what is provided will already be there, and there won't be much room for less than polite people to order, and leave you with the bill.

Better yet, why not have a pitch-in? Order and pay for the pizzas, but also let everyone know to bring something to share. It should really be about spending time with the kids and each other, and celebrating good times- not about getting free food, especially if the people can afford their own food. So, your contribution could be some pizza, and everyone else can bring something to share. Once again, they shouldn't be concerned about getting free food, they should enjoy the experience, and on that note, they shouldn't mind bringing along something to share. I wouldn't -require- them to bring something, but would really encourage it. That way, if someone couldn't really afford to bring something, they wouldn't be left out, and also wouldn't be embarrassed about having to tell you that they can't afford it. So, maybe have a sign up sheet for who will be attending, tell them that it's pitch-in style, but pizza and drinks will be provided. Remind them that they are welcome to bring something to share, but not required. And leave a space on the sheet for them to write if they would like to bring something, and if so, what it will be.

I hope that at least gave you some ideas. Have fun!

We just did our team party.

We had a BBQ and pool party. Everyone brought their own meat and the coach and a few others covered the side dishes and drinks.

It worked out well and wasn't a burden on any one person.

I have to say, coaching is a huge commitment and I am sure your team parents appreciate your efforts. I can't imagine they would want you to be responsible for the entire party.

That is nice of you, but you should only have to take care of the bill for the team. People will take advantage of you if you don't make things clear to them. I would send invitations to your team and their family since they will be bringing the siblings and themselves.

I would make it clear in a nice way that the team will be paid for. All others their will be a $5.00 charge per person which will include pizza, drinks, cake, and ice cream. Please R.S.V.P with total count of extra attendees. Also I would include that their are other things on the menu that they may purchase themselves. By doing this you are covering yourself.

Or you can have a backyard, park or use someone else backyard to have a weenier roast. I would purchase hot dogs, w/ketchup and mustard, chips, drinks, cake, and ice cream. Much Cheaper. I also would make it fun and have kids play against parents.

I am a sucker myself but you are being way too nice. When you send out the flyer just put Pizza Party blah blah blah like you normally do and then at the bottom just put any other menu item other then pizza and soda is paid for by the person who orders/eats it.
Tell the waiter to make sure all guest know they are responsible for payment of additional items other than soda and pizza. They pawn the ticket off on you after that just tell them that you advertised it was their responsibility as well as having the waiter notify them it would be their responsibility.

Make a hand out to send home with the kids for the parents saying this party is not "League funded" and donations are welcome.

ask the parents who come to make something for the party .food or drinks

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