Does my party plan sound boring?!


Does my party plan sound boring?

Okay, if any of you read my posts earlier, I am hosting a party for 13-year-olds. Here is a plan of stuff to do (Please comment and add ideas!)

* Fire (roast marshmellows/make smores)
* Music
* Scary Movies
* Air hockey table
* Open gifts
* Blow out candles
* Order pizza
* Bobbing for apples (maybe?)

Please note that these thirteen-year-olds do not act like little kids. They act more like 15/16 year olds.... will this party be okay and not too childish/boring?

There will alos be 14-year-olds there, too...

id like it and I'm 14
if you let them do what they want (obviously within reason)
they should be OK-just dont hassle them too much
otherwise it will be you against a bunch of teenagers,which wouldn't be nice.

It sounds great, not inappropiate, and perfectly fun. But, why are their gifts? Is it a birthday party?

Not boring at all if Ashley O is there.

sounds good to me ,sounds like fun

that sounds fun to me my little brother is 13 and he said it would be alot of fun

sounds good, thats a good outline for a party but once the party is going, then let it just flow, no need to stick to plan, Im sure the kids will have fun!

It's perfect!!

Boring where's the haunted house??

I'm 14,it sounds great to me,to make it a lil' better mabey add some dancing or somthin like that,theres this game that us girls did one time I thought it was really fun,
to make it work you gota have an equal amount of people(girls),
you'll need makeup,
and sheets.
ok you get the girls in pairs and get one to stand behind the other,the one in front puts her handsbehind her back,have the makeup in front of her,then put the sheet over the one in the back so she cannot see the mackup,the girl in back has to tr to put the makeup one the other girls face and try to make it look good,
at the end of this normally u give a prize to the best lookin ones
.sorry if that was confusing,I'm not good at explainin stuff :)

You're doing just fine.

I used to teach 6th grade and coached middle school / high school sports. I love kids. You sound like you really care about what the kids would enjoy, and you've put some thought into the party.

Give yourself a break, and take pride in your plans. It sounds like everybody (including several 13/14 year olds) are giving you a thumbs up. Worry less about what everyone will think (and whether or not you'll throw a cool party) and just do your best. It sounds great to me.

Good luck to you.

make the cake ice cream cake a big sheat cake so everyone gets a slice
make pizza exciting when it comes
have treats like m&ms orange and black or black and red in a bowl for kids to snack on have a table of dorritos, prezels, lays potato chips and dip out for them to snack on
make it a costume party if its around halloween
have cup cakes out like pillsbury cup cakes with chocolate cake orange frosting and black bats and orange pumpkin jimmys
play halloween music

it's just great! hope u and every1 has lots and lots of fun. i wish i could come...

show the scary movies then tell scary stories at the fire,
play scary music
play beauty make up [everyone makes up another]
play music and have a dance contest
pizza and another movie
cake, gifts and let them decide other things...

I think it sounds fun but 13 year olds act so old these days that it's probably better if you didn't structure the party too much, except for the opening of presents and the cake. Let them make the smores and marshmallows and eat when they feel like it, put in the movie when they want, etc. I think the party sounds good overall, I am sure they will love the air hockey and the bobbing for apples sounds fun. Just keep the atmosphere light and don't try to host too much, (I am assuming you are a adult). Have a great time!

sounds cool

Get dancing, food, and fun! Maybe do a Haloween theme and make it a somewhat freeform kind of party. What state do you live in? That could make a difference.
e-mail: mikedutch93

The s'mores, candles, and apple bobbing sound a bit too young for these kids; otherwise, the other stuff sounds perfect.

How about a Kareoke machine, that would be really fun. Otherwise everything else you having sounds great. I would maybe ax the bobbing for apples but definately keep the smores. What kid doesn't like chocolate at any age.

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