How do we set a comfy atmosphere in our out of the way bar?!


How do we set a comfy atmosphere in our out of the way bar?

We have a wonderful little bar a couple of blocks out of the way, in a downtown neighborhood that eventually will be upgraded (Investors have now bought older, commercial buildings all around it)...we do not serve much food--hot dogs, chili, quesidillias, etc because there is no proper kitchen or any opportunity to expand like that...word of mouth has helped, but no one wants to walk out of their way....

A jukebox stocked with good music, some video games & triva contest machines, friendly/courteous/outgoing/be... wait staff, and someone who is good at cracking jokes or who has interesting stories to tell about their life or others' would be a good start.

Having a happy hour with an interesting snack dish that is especially good testing or healthy that you can prepare in a small space without much cooking would be good. Especially if it is something women like and could eat almost every night. So not something fried or like junk food. Maybe a mini salad bar, for instance.

Have a couple ladies nights per week. Females usually are the controlling factor for where a watering hole becomes popular - or does not. Studies have found this true for animals and people. Males tend to show up where the females already are, instead of the other way around.

Have some contest nights. Dart throwing and pool tables are out, if your floorspace is too limited. Perhaps some interesting puzzles on the back of your menus would be good.

Have a TV set up on the wall with the news running on it in closed captioning mode on it, so people can see the picture and read the news stories as they scroll across the screen.

Pick out some local clubs to invite to meet there on - or after - their weekly meeting nights. Toastmasters, rotary club, veterans club, local chamber of congress, etc. AA and groups like that would be inappropriate so, of course, do not invite them, though.

Get a couple guys who seem to have a lot of friends and upon whom people tend to hang upon their every word to come in, with their friends. Kind of alpha male types. The type who tends to need or not mind having beta males around them. Not a heavy drinker type though, just a sociable type. Someone who is good at making people laugh or pay attention, without being mean. Kind of a late night talk-show host kind of personality/demeanor.

Put up some nice pictures on the wall, and some lighting that accentuates them. Keep the bar lighting kind of dim, so people's pupils are forced to dilate a little bit.

Put a summary of the days' local AND national news up on a pasteboard poster each morning before lunch hour and each evening before happy hour. Do not copy the stories from newspaper or anything but write it yourself, based on the facts that are in the news. Do not put your opinion in them, but point out things that are likely to be relevant to your patrons given their demographic, locale, and interests. Put some colorful, iconic pictures/symbols next to some of the stories - like a raincoat or clouds next to todays or tomorrows weather, if it is expected to rain - a dog or a cat if it is an animal story about a pet or whatever, a picture of a house under construction if the story is about a new housing development, etc.

Chat with the patrons to get to know them. If they are married, ask how their spouse is doing by their first name. If they have kids, ask how one of their kids is doing by name. If you know their profession , ask how things are going in the field but do not ask overly personal things like what is it like to work at your company this week, since that might be sensitive or confidential information. Ask them what an X does, if their profession is to be an X. Get them to open up a little, especially about things which they are knowledgeable and do not need to be private about.

Put up a whiteboard and a lot of very different colored whiteboard markers where patrons can write things that help identify themselves and server as conversation starters, and maybe their first names (no last names). Things like: favorite song, favorite movie, eye/hair color, favorite ball player or team - that sort of thing. The sort of thing that could spark a conversation. If someone is a skilled local artist, ask them to draw a little picture in one corner of it that you reserve for that sort of thing. Then, erase it each night when the bar closes. Make it something cool that is only there for one day each day, and if you are not there - then you miss out on it.

Offer some entertainment, like karaoke or a DJ. People will go out of their way for stuff like that. Or play on the out of the way it a quiet place etc..
Good luck!

set up a checker board, or put peg games on all the tables like Crackerbarrel does. Sell pickles from the barrel and old fashioned candy.

Get one of those old tymey signs outside that hang from chains on a horizontal pole. Get a new name. Maybe "out of the way bar" will work (like somebody in the city hollering "OUT OF THE WAY!" like a cabbie or someone else in a big hurry to get to your bar). Go to office buildings and hand out your cards. Name some drinks after your patrons(or just thier type).

Hi. Well it sounds to me that your little restaurant just needs some added comfort as I call it. Try hanging some plants, add a little mexican music since that's what's basicaly on your menu and hang a few things on the walls to also fit your theme.
Also make sure that ppl are aware that you are there. Maybe make up your own little flyer, make some copies and go around to deliver them. Good Luck !!

Low, soft lighting and relaxing music is a good start.

Ambiance is everything!

Make sure your ceiling is creates an infinity feel and makes it feel like night. Have directed lights, IKEA has some great lights for this purpose. Have fun with it. LCD screens with a video of a fireplace burning or just flames showing is great and relaxing.

Have sectional couches in dark colors. Accented with brushed steel is very HAWT now, so head out to some pubs and clubs to see what they are doing. Color panels that fade colors also have an enriching mood effect.

Food isn't as important as atmosphere. Remember, your entertainment will dictate your crowd.

If you are somewhere that gets chilly - then put in a fireplace and have a good happy hour. Those things get people to places in my neck of the woods!

I would not bother with the hot dogs, etc. with out a kitchen, unless the health dept. dictates that you have to serve some sort of food.
I would only have snack type foods like peanuts, goldfish, chips, pickled eggs & sausages go well in a bar.

Get some dart boards, pool table, juke box and an entertaining bartender(s).
And what ever you do don't forget the TV, sports bars are big and it's football time. Where better to watch the game than at your favorite hangout? Flat screens are a big investment but, take up little room and you can get the games in high def.
It's worked well for me.
And I liked the suggestion to change the name to "out of the way".

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