I got drunk last night and i feel like throwing up...will drinking water help?!


I got drunk last night and i feel like throwing up...will drinking water help?

i got drunk last night on like 6 different drink at two halloween parties. and this morning i feel shaky kinda and i really feel like throwing up..but nothing comes up.
if i drink water wiill that make me throw up or make me feel a little better??
if i eat some food will that make me throw up or make me feel a little better??
i dooont care, i just either wanna throw up to feel better or feel better without throwing up...

what do i do and what will help?

Drinking lots and lots of water always will help because it helps your body detoxify. And if you've been drinking a lot of alcohol (especially exotic combinations), your body is full of toxins right now! The water flushes those toxins out of your system.
As for the throwing up....if nothing's coming up maybe your stomach actually is empty. I wouldn't try to force it.
And I wouldn't eat unless I felt really hungry. (Then my choice would be something really bland like white rice with a little sauce or butter and salt, or a clear bouillion soup.)
Otherwise, stay in your sweats, keep warm and take it easy today. (Good thing it's Sunday. Hangovers don't usually last more than a day, if that!) It's a drag that you have to "suffer" for having had fun...but, unfortunately, too much booze often does that!
Hope you feel better very soon!

I've always found that you should drink a little water and make yourself vomit. You have to get rid of all of the bad toxins. I know it sounds gross but, vomit and try to take a big poo too. Get rid of all the bad stuff and try to get some more sleep.

you need to go outside and drink water.
you feel bad for 2 main reasons. alcohol dehydrates you, and it also restricts how much oxygen your blood can hold.
so if you want to feel right as rain in no time flat either step outside, or go take a couple deep puffs off of an oxygen tank.
That is an old trick of the trade for military members who work on aircraft. we go out and get TRASHED!!! the next morning go hit up the oxygen and drink water. BAM!!! You feel refreshed and ready to do it again.
as for right now drink some room temperature water, and some bread and butter. do not drink cold water. the temperature difference is too great and you WILL barf. the bread will absorb any nasty stuff left in your stomach.
good luck,

Drink some ginger ale. Then drink some Gatorade. You are going through alcohol withdrawal. Eat some soup, make sure it's really hot when you eat it. Try some Tomato Soup or New England Clam Chowder. Have some saltine crackers too. And yes drink A LOT of water!!!!!


Drink water and have some chicken noodle soup or broth. When your stomach revolts on you, it's the least nasty stuff to throw up. When you're feeling better, try some bland solid food. Eggs and bread are good for absorbing bile.

well dont eat as much as u normally do and puking does help but do be aware that its not very good for your skin but it really does help. To help puke is to eat lots of food but thats not the best thing to do... drink plenty of drinks and less food. Be comfortable and what i'd do is to buy a drinks dispencer, put it next to my bed, sit in bed, put an electric fan on, put my blanket on, and lie in bed watching tv with a bucket!

p.s. but the fan and the blanket is ment to be so when your hot, take the blanket off, and when your cold, put the blanket on! And if ya dont have a drinks despencer eaither get a drinks machine or just a jug with a cup! And close all windows so you dont get flies in your jug!

never mind making your self throw up, that'll rot your teeth even if you brush them right after. al the acid that comes up is bad! trust me it tastes gross too, i was hungover yesterday. all you have to do is take some Gravol, and a glass of water or two, lie down adn wait till you get tired. you will fall asleep for a while and wake up so refreshed, it is an anti-vomiting pill that you can buy anywhere. I take it when ever i drink cause i dont have a high toleraance for alcohol. works wonders. dont know how i survived without it.
feel better soon.
i forgot to mention that a hangover is because the body is lacking water. everytime you pee when you drink, you are causeing your body to be sicker the next day. drink all the water you can before taking this, and you will, i promise feel better.

seltzer and vomit pills + sleep

think of drinking vodka str8 and that should bring it along, it does for me cause it tastes kinda bad, or just hold your head over the toliet. the scent of the water should allow you to blow

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