How do i make a surprise party go well?!


How do i make a surprise party go well?

If you're planning a surprise party for someone special, here are some tips that will make planning and organizing the event easier for you, and unforgettable for them!

1. Start early. Pulling off a surprise party takes time and a lot of planning and organizing, so starting six weeks to two months in advance is a really good idea.

2. Find a theme. There are lots of party-planning Websites on the Internet that can help, or you can find party-planning books at your local library or bookstore. When searching for the "perfect" theme, here are some things to keep in mind: the occasion, the time of year, the number of people you plan to invite, the age, interests and hobbies of the "guest of honor" and the people you'll be inviting.

3. Decide on a color scheme. Once you've got your theme, figure out your party colors. Don't go overboard, stick to two or three colors. For example, if you're throwing a "Mexican Fiesta" red white and green, or red yellow and green would be perfect. By incorporating your colors into your theme, even inexpensive decorations and paper goods will create the ambience you want to create.

4. Plan your budget. Even if you don't have a lot of money, with a little creativity and ingenuity, you can still create a memorable, exciting event by investing your time and thinking outside the box. For example, before rushing off to the local party store, look for items you've already got around the house that could be used in a different way. For example, your child's red wagon could be filled with ice and used as a drink container if you had a western, cowboy or old-fashioned theme. Clear or colored Christmas lights can be called into duty and strung outdoors on the deck or patio. Even summer toys such as a sand bucket and pail or water toys can be used to hold flowers, candles or decorations. Don't forget to check at dollar stores, yard sales and thrift stores for inexpensive containers, party favors or decorations that can be incorporated into your theme.

5. Send out invitations at least 4 weeks before your event and then do your follow up a week before to help you finalize your arrangements. Don't forget that you can send email invitations for free -- just do a search for "free email invitations" or "free online invitations" to see all your choices. Make sure that your invitations incorporate your theme.

6. Create a scrapbook. Ask each guest to write a letter, or bring a copy of a photograph that will have special meaning to the guest of honor. Include a copy of the invitation, pictures of the planning process and before party preparations, as well as a list of the food, guests, etc. This will become a treasured memento of the day. Don't forget to ask someone to be the "designated photographer" or buy several disposable cameras and let guests take pictures during the party. These can be developed and added to the scrapbook later.

7. Prepare food and drinks that relate to your theme. Think about the "presentation" of food and drinks as well. Serving dishes that either relate to the theme or are in the color scheme will add to the festive look and feel.

8. Get organized, ask for the help you need and follow up. If you're having people bring food or drinks, or participate in setting up before the party, make a list of who is responsible for what. Delegate as much as you need to to ensure that everything gets done and that you get to enjoy the party as well. Most people will be more than happy to bring something or help, if you just ask them.

Once you've given someone a task to do though, follow up with them, to make sure that everything's getting done on time. Also, because nothing ever goes exactly according to plan, make a list of everything that would make the party "perfect." But put a checkmark or star by those things that you know aren't vital to the success of the party. If something does go wrong, or changes have to be made, you can cross these un-essentials off the "To Do" list first, and still pull off a successful party.

Save your "party notes" and when the party's over with, do a quick evaluation of what worked and what didn't. Over time, your party planning notebook can be used to mix and match ideas for almost any kind of party, and by referring to your notes about what worked, you won't have to rely on your memory alone for creating well-organized and enjoyable events.

9. Buy Thank-you notes before the party starts. As they arrive, or sometime during the party, have each guest address an envelope to themselves. If gifts are being given, you can either make a separate list of who brought what, or write it in pencil in the upper right-hand corner of the envelope. Having the Thank-you cards already addressed makes filling them in and sending them much easier! Another simple idea is to take the guest of honor's picture holding each gift perhaps with the gift giver -- you can include the pictures in the scrapbook later, and send a copy with the Thank-you note.

10. Have a good time. Once the party starts, relax and enjoy yourself. No matter what happens, everyone will have a better time, if they know that you're having fun too.

keep it a surprise...that always helps

Don't invite the guest of honor.

The best way is to keep it a surprise!!! You'd be amazed how many surprise paties are ruined by someone blabbing

Don't ruin the surprise!!

Tell the guest of honor, ask them to act surprised and don't ask questions.

make sure all the guests show up on time! many surprise parties have been ruined because of late guests pulling in to the driveway at the same time the guest-of-honor does...

arent you tired of hearing the same thing (keep it a suprise) i say you just get everything together only tell her friends you really trust and i geuss suprise her and KEEP IT A SUPRISE!

Also ask the guests to act "normal" before the party. If you have 10 friends and they all fail to wish you a happy birthday or ask birthday related questions like they normal do it will definatly make one suspicious.

I suggest having the party at a restaurant or bar or some place other than someone's home. People get awfully susupicious when they recognize all of their friends' cars in a drive way.

lots of booze, booze and more booze and then good food

Have all to come 30 mins. before the guest of honor arrives, that way they will all be there and not showing up at the same time.I just had my 51st. birthday and it was a surprise party. They had my birthday the friday night before, so I wasn't expecting a party on that day.It was great.......

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