How long would it take for me to chew my legs off?!


How long would it take for me to chew my legs off?


i dont know, but let me know when you do it so i can watch.


depends, are you a short ar*e ?

Time yourself, then let us know!

We are all interested!

How long a go did you start

Pretty long considering you'll be dead before you finish. They're called arteries.

depends how hungry you are


It depends on the size of your stomach and the caliber of your choppers!

Depends... Do you spit or swallow?

That depends on how long your legs are, fat/muscle/sinew proportion, how hard you are and how hungry you are.

I personally think you should try a curly wurly instead.

Technically , It depends on your muscle , how Big / Tall / Short you are , and how much blood you have , if u want to chew your leg off , go for it . Maybe 2 or 3 days

okay first why would you want to chew your legs off, but if you would chew your leg off it would take about a day

Um...can you say cannibal?! Hahaha...

The sooner you get started the sooner you will find out!

Depends on how big you're mouth is.

i presume you no longer want to walk. have them amputated, much quicker, less chance of dying.

how big is your...
poop hole

The world may never know.

It depends on how fat you are. Time yourself and let us know.

are you a cannibal and eating your own body? dont come near me kid.

I am not sure on this one.... you try it and let us know.. but I won't wait for the answer because i highly doubt that i hear back since you will be dead.... bye... good luck...

How long are your legs? and your teeth?

Dunno, but do you seriously believe anybody on here would know?
When was your last therapy appointment? Coz you need one like........yesterday............ sick dude!
only answered 4 2 points

depends. are u vegetarian?

Maybe you shouldn't. You might be arrested for cannibalism........and then you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

you cant. your nervous system wont let you do it. (i am presuming you are human)

that depends how will oyu be eating them ..raw or boiled or baked? or with long slow braisng they'll be much more tender and faster to eat. fall right off the bone,they will.

Humm... how flexible are you to chew all your leg off?

And if you are - is that with or without BBQ Sauce?

If you can bare the pain...
how do you plan on getting rid of the bones?

you cant chew through your thick bones in your legs.
you would brake your teeth and die.

Depends on the strength of your jaw muscles and whether you can contort yourself well enough to get at the meat on the backs of your legs. Chewing through the bones will be the most difficult and time consuming.
Having said that I can only guess at about 1-2 hours, four hours tops.

This is known as autocanibalism.

Best to cut it off first though. You can put it on a plate then - much more civilised.

In the manga One Piece the character Zeff eats his own leg while marooned on a island. He cuts off his right leg and eats it to keep himself alive. After eighty or more days with little food they were finally rescued. So it should last you a fair while - a fridge would be a good idea though....

Oh, by the way, this is fiction.......and a dream. Are you for real??

Roast pork, apple sauce, yorkshire pudding, peas, potatoes and carrots for Sunday lunch would be better.

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