When you invite guests over for dinner, do you expect them to help clean up?!


When you invite guests over for dinner, do you expect them to help clean up?


I think that if you are having just friends over, who plan to hang out after dinner, yes -- they should probably help. But if it's a formal dinner with "other people", I guess they might just leave after the dinner.

no. if they have been staying at my house for more than two days, then yes

No not really. if its for dinner... you offered to make them dinner, so you should clean it up for them... if it was to play, then yea, but... not for dinner.

No, it's not their obligation since they are guests. But it's always nice to hear if they offer.

No; as a host you should do your best to make your guests feel comfortable, and expecting them to do manual labor at the end of a meal isn't polite. However, my guests usually insist on helping out, as I do when I am a guest. Don't feel you have to refuse help if it's offered!

NEVER.. its poor manners

No when my parents have Christmas parties we can't go to bed until the house is clean. I think they should since they're getting a free meal.

Not at all but, if they want to help you may offend them by not letting them. I think it depends on the relationship you have with the invitated guest.

Nope. But if they "insist" they want to help, maybe let them help clear dishes and get them to the kitchen, but no more than that.

Definitely not. Or else they will think we're cheapskate. If you are sincerely invinting others to come over, you should be prepared to clean up. Even if they offer, it's still not nice. I'll never let my guest to do it as I find it improper and not professional.

I don't expect them to, but it's always nice when they do. Because it's family or friends (how many people invite complete strangers over for dinner??!!) we tend to make ourselves at home at each others houses, and therefore it's only natural to pitch in and help!

though guests have no obligation to do anything the polite thing would be for them to help you clean up.

absolutely NOT, they are your guests, you invited them to come for dinner NOT to do your chores!!! If they insist on helping you clear the table and do the dishes, then that is something you can appreciate and accept.

I wouldn't ask them, but if they offered it would be cool.

no i hope not, let them relax and enjoy the company of others while you and partner or best friend tidy a lil along the way of the party, clearing tables, putting things in dishwasher ( if no dish washer fill a plasic bin with dishwater and soak dishes under sink in cupbaord,out of the way) any spillage is your task, have fun !!!

No they are guests!

Depends if the guests are close family or friends or co-workers.Most of the time , family or good friends will offer to help to clean up, but if your company offers help, it is up to you to decide if you want help. proper way is to decline the help and do it yourself after the compony is gone.

No. And as a matter of fact I have already plated the food and cleaned up the cooking "mess" and made ready the containers I will need to send leftovers home with guests (when appropriate) or put them away.
This leaves me with only 15 or so minutes to tidy up after the meal.

No! I would not let my guest to help cleaning!

But they can come to the kitchen to have look of what food I'm preparing.


No, it would be nice if they offered but no you cannot expect them to help you.

no i don't

But if there nice they will be delighted to help.

not at all....it is your house so you should do it UNLESS they offer

No. At least not in the American culture. In Bengali (Bangladesh) culture, you don't expect it, but guests help clean up any way. You tell them not to, but they want to do it. And then when you go to their house, the roles are reversed.

NO, of course not. I invited, so therefore I would be the one to
clean up after everyone. If they offer then I'm not going to say
no, but I would tell them, that they don't have to do a thing,
cause they are the guest and I am the host. Besides I have
a dish washer.

I have always been tought that it is courtesy to offer to help but no you should not insist on the help after all you are the host. a rule at my house is the cook dose'nt do the dishes

Of course NOT. but if Family guests...yah I expect them to help clean up, coz I do the same thing if I'm over for dinner at their place.

absolutely not!

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